Latest Daniel kish Podcast Episodes

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Sesong 3, episode 3 - Hørselen

Visioneers Norways podcast - November 30, 2022 19:05 - 32 minutes
NB! Denne episoden bør høres av alle som bruker hørselen sin i hverdagen! I den siste episoden av sesong tre har vi fått besøk av Anki Egge, som er en av Norges fremste audiografer. Her får du lære mye om hørselen din, og hvordan du kan beskytte deg selv mot hørselsskader. Vi snakker blant a...

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Sesong 3, episode 2 - Den hvite mobilitetsstokken

Visioneers Norways podcast - September 23, 2022 21:48 - 31 minutes
I denne episoden får du høre et resyme fra sesong 1, om Daniel Kishs filosofi om bruk av mobilitetsstokk. I tillegg gir Thomas deg noen tanker om hvordan mange blinde opplever det å bruke mobilitetsstokk som noe ekskluderende, og samtidig hvordan det også kan skape en trygghet og positiv ident...

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Sesong 3, episode 1 - Ekkolokalisering

Visioneers Norways podcast - September 23, 2022 19:48 - 24 minutes
I denne episoden får du høre et resyme av episoden om ekkolokalisering, fra sesong 1. Denne gangen er episoden på norsk. I tillegg til å få presentert hovedprinsippene om ekkolokalisering, får du også høre om hvordan Thomas ble kjent med fenomenet.

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Season 2, Episode 4 - Questions and answers

Visioneers Norways podcast - September 30, 2020 18:48 - 26 minutes
In this last episode of season 2, we have gathered a few questions from our listeners. Is it possible to echolocate in snow? And from how far away can you actually detect something when using echolocation?

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Season 2, Episode 3 - Use it or loose it

Visioneers Norways podcast - August 24, 2020 18:48 - 31 minutes
In the 3rd episode of season 2 we’re focusing on you who are either blind or visually impaired, and how you can improve your mobility skills. Daniel tells us how the brain learns, and how you can work by yourself to improve skills such as echolocation, or walking by yourself wit...

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Season 2, Episode 2 - To the parents, part 2, need drives learning

Visioneers Norways podcast - July 21, 2020 15:00 - 40 minutes
In the two first episodes of season 2 Daniel Kish talks about, and to those who are the most important teachers of children, the parents. In episode 2 you will receive tips and suggestions on how you as a parent can facilitate so that your child is able to move even more freely in...

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Season 2, Episode 2 - To the parents, part 2, need drives learning

Visioneers Norways podcast - July 21, 2020 15:00 - 40 minutes
In the two first episodes of season 2 Daniel Kish talks about, and to those who are the most important teachers of children, the parents. In episode 2 you will receive tips and suggestions on how you as a parent can facilitate so that your child is able to move even more freely in...

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Season 2, Episode 1 - To the parents, part 1, how much freedom do you want your child to have?

Visioneers Norways podcast - July 20, 2020 16:00 - 39 minutes
In the two first episodes of season 2 Daniel Kish talks about, and to those who are the most important teachers of children, the parents. In the first episode, we ask: «how much freedom do you want your child to have»? In most cases, the answer is of course: «as much as possible», bu...

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Season 2, Episode 1 - To the parents, part 1, how much freedom do you want your child to have?

Visioneers Norways podcast - July 20, 2020 16:00 - 39 minutes
In the two first episodes of season 2 Daniel Kish talks about, and to those who are the most important teachers of children, the parents. In the first episode, we ask: «how much freedom do you want your child to have»? In most cases, the answer is of course: «as much as possible», bu...

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Episode 4 - The white cane, friend or foe?

Visioneers Norways podcast - February 28, 2019 20:16 - 32 minutes
This episode goes into detail of the science behind the design, recommended length and the use of the mobility cane.

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Episode 4

Visioneers Norways podcast - February 28, 2019 20:16 - 32 minutes
This episode goes into detail of the science behind the design, recommended length and the use of the mobility cane.

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Episode 3

Visioneers Norways podcast - January 03, 2019 21:58 - 33 minutes
This episode will give you information on how to use echolocation. You will get both explanations and practical exercises to get you started. 

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Episode 3 - Echolocation, how to do it

Visioneers Norways podcast - January 03, 2019 21:58 - 33 minutes
This episode will give you information on how to use echolocation. You will get both explanations and practical exercises to get you started.

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Episode 2

Visioneers Norways podcast - November 21, 2018 16:58 - 30 minutes
In this episode Daniel and Thomas goes into more details about echolocation. You will learn more about the fundamentals of echolocation and why society should know about it. 

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Episode 2 - Echolocation, how does it work?

Visioneers Norways podcast - November 21, 2018 16:58 - 30 minutes
In this episode Daniel and Thomas goes into more details about echolocation. You will learn more about the fundamentals of echolocation and why society should know about it.

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Visioneers Norway

Visioneers Norways podcast - October 31, 2018 19:59 - 29 minutes
Our main goal with this podcast is to provide tools and information to help blind and visually impaired become more independent.

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Episode 1 - Introduction

Visioneers Norways podcast - October 31, 2018 19:59 - 29 minutes
Our main goal with this podcast is to provide tools and information to help blind and visually impaired become more independent.

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