Latest Coyotetrapping101 Podcast Episodes

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Ep 50 - NTA Convention - Springfield Missouri

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - July 18, 2019 08:38 - 41 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
This year I took the time to drive to Springfield Missouri and attend the National Trappers Association Convention, and let me tell you it was well worth the drive!  There were a ton of vendors, great demonstrations by top trappers in the industry, and plenty of folks to talk trapping with.  If ...

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Kids on the Trapline

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - July 10, 2019 04:20 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
With a young, and growing!!!, family it is important to me to get my son involved in the outdoors and trapping, in hopes that he will stick with it and appreciate the lifestyle that comes with it.  In today's world kids, and people in general, are more and more detached from the land and the rea...

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Otter Trapping Episode 48

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - July 02, 2019 00:46 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode we talk otters and otter trapping. I guess you could say that I am a generalist when it comes to trapping, I like to target anything that is on the property that I am trapping, so when I'm water trapping if otters are present I am setting for them. To me they are like the coyote ...

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"Hoofbeats of a Wolfer" Book Review

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - June 24, 2019 11:00 - 47 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I review the Craig O'Gorman book "Hoofbeats of a Wolfer."  This book is pretty well known among trappers, but it isn't the easiest book to get.  You have to order it direct from O'Gorman Enterprises, but if you are a serious coyote trapper, this book is worth the hassle.  There i...

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Alabama Trapper Steve Wright - Episode 46 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - June 17, 2019 11:34 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I interview Alabama trapper Steve Wright.  I noticed him on Instagram, by the many coyote catch pictures he posts, and thought he could provide some valuable insight into his trapping strategy.  He didn't disappoint, this interview has some good tactics that I know I will be inte...

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Downunder! Australian Trapper Chris Booby Interview

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - June 11, 2019 03:38 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I talk with Australian trapper Chris Booby, who operates CGB Vertebrate Pest Management, as well as It's a Dogger's Life YouTube and website.  We talk about the similarities and differences in trapping thousands of miles apart, for a different but similar species, and the Austral...

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Preseason Trap Prep - Episode 44 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - June 01, 2019 07:10 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I talk through what I look for as I am getting my traps ready to be dyed and put up for the coming season.  They are pretty straightforward and simple, stake, tag, proper operation, on conibears the trigger.  I also started checking pan tension last year.  These are simple things...

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Well I messed up! - Ep 43 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - May 27, 2019 04:14 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
Well I had a technical malfunction and didn't record an awesome interview I did with Loren Stallsmith of Circle S Leather, so in the meantime I talk about a couple recent issues that have come up around regulations.  More interviews to come!  And Happy Memorial Day!

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Hog Trapping - Episode 41 - Coyote Trapping School

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - May 21, 2019 03:08 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I delve into hog trapping, as I've just recently got my hands on some high tech hog trapping equipment.  I don't yet have much experience trapping hogs but a good friend of mine is a hog biologist that specializes in trapping them so I've leaned on him heavily for some hog trappi...

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Coyote Ramblings - Episode 42 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - May 16, 2019 02:51 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I go through a recent article published in Quality Whitetails about a large coyote research project in the Southeast.  The article focuses on what the data means for managing deer, but I think the data could also help us as trappers learn more about the coyote and his habits.  I ...

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Catfishing - Episode 40 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - May 07, 2019 12:13 - 56 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
One of my favorite summertime activities is catfishing, especially with trotlines, jugs, and limb lines.  Its like summertime trapping, except enjoyable!  And a great way to quickly fill the freezer.  It is very easy and cheap to do any of these methods, and you can even use a kayak or canoe and...

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Summertime Coyote Trapping - Episode 39 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - April 25, 2019 06:17 - 36 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
I've been getting a lot of questions lately about what bait and lure to use trapping in the summer.  In this episode I talk about some of the challenges of summer trapping and also give a run down of how to overcome those challenges, and some bait and lure thoughts.  Summer trapping is a little ...

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Trapline Safety - Episode 38 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - April 20, 2019 10:48 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
The trapline can take us to some remote places, often alone, in harsh conditions.  Many of us run farm country traplines where we are rarely out of sight of a house and never lose cell service.  Either way there are multiple hazards that can arise and being prepared can help to ensure you do not...

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Nuisance Trapping Part 2 - Episode 37 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - April 12, 2019 11:26 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
This is the 2nd episode that I talk about nuisance trapping and how it pertains to fur trappers.  In this episode I dive deep into getting pricing and how to figure out how much to charge.  And we talk a little about marketing at the end too.  These 2 episodes should give you a starting point if...

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Nuisance Trapping - Part 1

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - April 08, 2019 04:24 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
Once you get started trapping it is only a matter of time until someone wants to pay you to remove some of their critters.  This can be a great way to earn a little side money or even potentially work into a career change, but there are some things to consider and take care of before hand.  Hope...

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Fur Tanneries - Episode 35 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - March 27, 2019 05:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
There are multiple options when it comes to getting fur tanned, whether you're just wanting to get your first coyote tanned for a wall hanger or you want to get a batch tanned to try making things with. First off, no offense to taxidermists, but you're cheapest option is not to take it to a taxi...

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Anti Activity - Episode 34 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - March 21, 2019 03:16 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
The anti hunting and trapping groups have been hard at work pushing legislation to restrict hunting and trapping.  This seems the most active things have been in several years all at once and we must pay attention to what is going on if we hope to keep our ability to hunt and trap.  

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Cheap Way to Start Trapping

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - March 14, 2019 03:41 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
A few episodes ago we talked about the cost of getting into trapping, and its not insignificant.  It is also a serious time investment as well.  But there is a way to dip your toe in the water and see if this is something you really want to get into.  Dog proof raccoon traps are a great way to d...

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February 2019 NAFA Sale and Fur Prices

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - March 07, 2019 11:53 - 41 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I discuss the results of the latest North American Fur Auctions fur sale, including how my fur from last season have sold since the July 2018 sale.  I also talk about some of the state association auctions in the southeast, which had pretty decent results compared to how I fared ...

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Fur Handling Equipment - Ep 31 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - February 28, 2019 04:52 - 41 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
With trapping season winding down now is the time to be putting up and prepping your fur for the sales.  Here I give you a rundown of the different tools I use in my fur handling, from skinning through stretching and drying.  

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How much does it cost to get started trapping - Ep 30 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - February 22, 2019 04:02 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
There are plenty of hurdles to getting started trapping, a major one being the cost and equipment to buy.  In this episode I break down the cost of getting a bare bones setup to be able to start setting predator traps.  Its not as expensive as you might think.

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Coyote Home Range Data - Ep 29 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - February 14, 2019 05:58 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I look at data from research projects across the southeast that analysed coyote home range patterns.  The average home range of coyotes can vary widely but generally hangs around 5,000 acres.  That is a pretty good chunk of land to cover.  

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Trap Selection - Ep 28 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - February 08, 2019 04:49 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
I get criticized and sometimes people feel they need to defend their use of cheap traps.  I've upgraded my traps since I started trapping, targeting top quality high performing traps, that do cost more than other traps.  But there are reasons that I like these traps, and most trappers as they ga...

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Trapline Ramblings - Ep 27 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - January 30, 2019 14:07 - 55 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I discuss several topics and answer several questions that I have been getting lately.  No real structure to this one, just me talking trapping and giving you some of my thoughts.  I hope everyone's season is going well.

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Jeff Traynor - Furbearer Conservation - Ep 26 - CTS Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - January 23, 2019 06:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I talk with Jeff Traynor from Furbearer Conservation.  His website and focus is on supporting trapping through data and facts.  We have a really interesting discussion and this is definitely something that we as trappers need to pay more attention and utilize more readily.  Trapp...

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Robert Sevon - Ep 25 - CTS Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - January 16, 2019 05:01 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode of the Coyote Trapping School Podcast I interview Robert Sevon, who runs Lonely Den Trapping Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  We talk about trapping apps, public land trapping, a little coyote calling, we run the gamut and have a lot of fun.

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Ep 24 - Jeremiah Wood - CTS Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - January 12, 2019 02:41 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode of the Coyote Trapping School podcast I interview Jeremiah Wood from Trapping  Jeremiah is a northwoods trapper from Maine, and we talk all manner of trapping topics, from martens to bears.  Jeremiah also hosts the Trapping Today podcast, so if you enjoy trapping podca...

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Fur Market Update - Ep 23 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - January 04, 2019 04:11 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode John Zander gives us an update on the current fur market.

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Zander Fur - Ep 22 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - December 27, 2018 14:44 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this episode I talk with John Zander from Zander fur, a 3rd generation fur buyer whose business is built around the fur industry.  We talk about the history of his family business and some of the intricacies of the fur market.  

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Beaver Trapping - Ep 21 - Coyote Trapping School Podcast

Coyote Trapping School Podcast - December 20, 2018 05:41 - 47 minutes ★★★★★ - 194 ratings
In this podcast I give an overview of the different ways to target beavers.  Beavers are fun to trap and relatively easy to catch, but they can pose a challenge and get trap shy.  There are a variety of methods for targeting beavers and with the possibility of pickup up the occasional otter I fi...

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