Latest Civilized society Podcast Episodes

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

The Criminal Justice System

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - November 01, 2022 22:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
All Americans are entitled to equal justice under law.  There is one system of justice in our country.  And whether one is wealthy or well-connected, should have no bearing on the ultimate outcome.  All plaintiffs and defendants are subject to the same standard - preponderance of evidence.  Unfo...

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

It's Time to Get Out of China

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - October 21, 2022 21:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
My problem has never been with the Chinese people.  My problem is with the Chinese Communist Party.  And of course, the capitulation of our own government!

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork


Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - September 21, 2022 21:00 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
In a Union of fifty states, especially in the 21st Century, there are bound to be differences of opinion.  However, it seems to me, that the way we overcome differences, is to allow other people the right to believe as they will.  People in our culture need to learn how to deal with the things t...

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork


Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - September 14, 2022 21:00 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
When the sitting president characterizes a voting block of American citizens in the way that Joe Biden did on September 1 - then Houston, we have a problem!

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork


Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - September 07, 2022 23:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
We all have an ability to do more than we think we can.  Never let anyone tell you that what you want to do is impossible.  Work hard.  Stay the course.  Achieve.  Do the impossible.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Demonization of Speech

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - August 30, 2022 18:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
We either enjoy the right to free speech, and every other right in this country, or we don't.  No matter where you stand, the right to free speech, as well as the rest of our rights, are worth the effort to defend.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

"A Republic, If You Can Keep It"

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - August 16, 2022 22:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
No matter your political ideology, we must do all we can to keep our Republic! 

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

A Republic, If You Can Keep It"

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - August 16, 2022 22:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
No matter your political ideology, we must do all we can to keep our Republic! 

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Class Warfare

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - August 09, 2022 23:00 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Politics can be a nasty business.  But most often, when those we elect to represent us, play politics, we the people get hurt the most.  And what happens to them?  The impact of playing politics has virtually no consequences.  The ballot box, however, is where we can do the most damage.  And we ...

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

The Price of Freedom and Liberty

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - August 03, 2022 01:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Is there a price too high to pay in preserving the liberty that we enjoy?  The benefits far outweigh whatever meager price we might pay.  But it's a price we all must pay to preserve liberty for our own, and future generations.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Historical Fragility in 2022

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - July 06, 2022 23:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Do we need to be told that we're fragile because of who we are? In today's episode I employ a bit of sarcasm, parody, and satire to prove a point.  After all, many a truth is said in jest.  I hope you enjoy.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

We All Have Choices To Make

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - June 29, 2022 02:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Even though we are faced with challenging times on a regular basis, we don't have to give in to the impulses that sometimes, erroneously lead us down a perilous path.  Becoming a "more perfect union" does not happen automatically.  It takes consistent and worthwhile effort.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Undermining The Republic

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - June 22, 2022 00:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
We have a blueprint for freedom and liberty.  It's called the Constitution.  And we need to make sure that we are doing all we can to ensure, not only its survival, but that its blessings are extended to all.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

You Can Actually Fix Stupid

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - June 15, 2022 00:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Stupidity does not have to be permanent.  It can be overcome.  Unfortunately, ulterior motives often get in the way of our leaders doing that which would, under more pure motives,  benefit society at large.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

"The Last Full Measure of Devotion"

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - May 30, 2022 19:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Memorial Day is a day to remember the fallen, who paid the ultimate price for freedom and liberty; who preserved this amazing idea, largely, for complete strangers.  May we never forget them!

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Rules? What Rules?

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - May 24, 2022 22:00 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Ladies and Gentlemen, it seems evident that Congress has a much different set of rules that govern their conduct, particularly since they're the ones who make their own rules.  And near as I can tell, their definition of rules, differs dramatically from my definition.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

We Have A Constitution

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - May 18, 2022 00:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
All of us need to be united, regardless of political party, in our support of the Constitution.  If we're not united in our defense of this important document, we will live to regret it.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Who Do You Believe?

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - April 13, 2022 00:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
We all have tons of options when it comes to who, or what we believe.  There are numerous choices to make, and it only seems to be getting more difficult when it comes to finding what is right...what we can actually believe.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

American Exceptionalism

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - March 30, 2022 23:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
There should not be anything offensive to anyone who hears the term, American Exceptionalism.  It's not an expression that implies mediocrity upon any other nation.  It's simply a phrase that speaks to the brilliance of America's founding documents.  That's it!

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Year One Complete!

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - March 16, 2022 20:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
It has been one year since the inception of Freedom's Creed!  I appreciate all who have taken the time to download the Podcast.  I hope you enjoy this compilation of some personal musings.  Thanks, as always, for listening!

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Past History and History in the Making

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - March 03, 2022 14:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Respect is a key ingredient to accepting and understanding events in our history.  If we respect other people, simply for the fact that we have not walked in their shoes, we will have a greater appreciation for all that their forebears experienced.  And perhaps more importantly, ensure that evil...

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Can We Have Some Reason, Please?

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - February 15, 2022 22:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Since when has debate, about any topic imaginable, become tabu in our society?  The most robust and honest debates should take place, particularly when the stakes are so consequential.  Sadly, it seems, we have lost focus on one of the most important elements of a free society.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Domestic Terrorism?

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - January 18, 2022 23:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Since when did it become okay for a political party in the United States to go after people who disagree with them?

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

It's A New Year!

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - January 13, 2022 20:00 - 25 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
With the passing of another year, we look forward to bigger and better things in the new year. Here's to getting big government off our backs in 2022! 

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork


Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - December 25, 2021 00:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Freedom of speech is the most fundamental right in the United States.  We must do all that we can to ensure that this right is preserved.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork


Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - December 18, 2021 00:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
What's in a conspiracy?  Is it the same as being a conspiracy theorist?  Do actual conspiracies take place?  Do conspiracies have to be bad to qualify as a conspiracy, or can something good be conspiratorial?  Tune in to hear some of my thoughts on the matter.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork


Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - December 14, 2021 23:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Laws are the foundation for a civilized society.  There must be a universal respect for the rights, privileges, and laws of our country.  If this pattern of liberty is not upheld, then we are all in for some serious heartache! 

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Eighty Years Ago

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - December 08, 2021 01:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
May all of us remember the degree of sacrifice that took place in Hawaii, so many years ago.  Opportunities to progress were lost.  The dreams of many good people? dashed to pieces.  December 7, 1941, must be a day we always remember and reverence.

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

If - Small Word, Often Huge Consequences

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - November 30, 2021 20:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Most of us tend to wonder what might have happened if we had made a different decision than the one we made - how might things have been different?  Life is too short.  Live it to its fullest and let the chips fall where they may!

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed artwork

Veteran's Day

Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed - November 12, 2021 23:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
When it comes to Veteran's, we owe a debt of gratitude to them, that we will never be able to repay!

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