Latest Church devotionals Podcast Episodes

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A Dutiful Servant : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - March 07, 2024 09:00 - 12 minutes
This Devotional is day 4 from week 6 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at It can be easy to assume that we willingly serve the Lord, expecting nothing in return.  But do we?  Really search your heart.  Can you find any hidden areas in which yo...

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The Unforgiving Servant - An Unforgiving Heart : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - March 06, 2024 08:00 - 13 minutes
This Devotional comes pairs with workout 2 from week 6 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at If you were to rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the most critical and 10 being the least critical, how would you rate yourself as a perso...

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The Thief in the Night : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - March 05, 2024 09:00 - 11 minutes
This Devotional is day 2  from week 6 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at  “You ought to live holy and godly lives,” Peter writes, “as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.” What do you think it means to live a “holy and g...

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The Shrewd Man of the World; How Jesus Wants You to Use Your Money: The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - March 04, 2024 08:00 - 13 minutes
This Devotional comes pairs with workout 1 from week 6 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at Jesus takes matters of earthly wealth, possessions, and resources seriously.  How we handle our money is a tip off to how faithful we would be in other...

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The Wise and Foolish Builders - Will Your House Stand?: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5, Day 5:

Devotionals on the Go - March 01, 2024 09:00 - 13 minutes
This Devotional comes pairs with workout 3 from week 5 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at It is foolish to live as if this life was all that mattered, yet many people do.  We will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.  “Just as peopl...

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Jesus and Beelzebul: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5 Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - February 29, 2024 08:00 - 10 minutes
Be sure to visit for the full downloadable devotional and much more faith and fitness content. Jesus didn’t come to overthrow the Romans, but to overthrow Satan, and the religious leaders did not like this.  Jesus challenged their authority and called out their hypocrisy, ma...

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The Parable of Two Sons - Jesus Wants You to Get to Work: The Parables of Jesus, Week5 Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - February 28, 2024 08:00 - 15 minutes
This Devotional Pairs with Week 5 Workout 2, from The Parables of Jesus Workout Series in SoulStrength Fit found at We can have the reputation of a good Christian.  We can do all the “right” things - go to church, tithe, help those less fortunate - and still be out of t...

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Do Your Branches Have Fruit? - The Barren Fig Tree: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - February 27, 2024 09:00 - 14 minutes
This Devotional comes from the Parables of Jesus workout program at Luke 16:1-9: The Bible is clear that salvation is by grace, but that a transformed life is evidence of genuine faith.  Jesus wants us to live our lives for God. He wants us to stay deeply rooted in Hi...

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The Rich Fool: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - February 26, 2024 21:00 - 14 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 1 from Week 5 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ The Rich Fool - pairs with Workout 1 When things go well in your life, when you’ve worked hard, found success, and prospered in some way, do you congratulate yoursel...

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The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - At Least I’m Better Than Them: The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - February 23, 2024 09:00 - 17 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 3 from Week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ We are called to follow Jesus’ example, to be gentle and humble in heart.  But to understand and pursue humility, we must understand pride, and recognize how easy it...

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Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount - Jesus Wants To Use YOU : The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - February 22, 2024 09:00 - 14 minutes
This Devotional is part of week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ When Jesus says, “you are the salt of the earth…you are the light of the world,” He is effectively saying, “You’re my plan for bringing transformation.  You are my plan for spreadi...

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The Wise and Foolish Virgins - Are You Prepared? : The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - February 21, 2024 08:00 - 11 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 2 from Week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ The foolish are the ones who don’t know the Lord.  When Jesus returns, many who have considered themselves to be children of God will be shown not to be.  The foolis...

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The Fulfilled Life - The Rich and the Kingdom of Heaven: The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - February 20, 2024 08:00 - 13 minutes
This Devotional is part of  Week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ Unless you choose to live by God’s power and for God’s glory, you will never find true fulfillment in life.  How do you live a fulfilled life, the kind of life God intends you to ...

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The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - Do You Believe You Deserve Better?: The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - February 19, 2024 09:00 - 16 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 1 from Week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ Today’s parable will highlight a problem that is applicable to all of us when we assume that because we have served or walked with the Lord faithfully for years we d...

Devotionals on the Go artwork

The Wheat and the Weeds - Living with Weeds The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - February 16, 2024 09:00 - 14 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 3 from Week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ As followers of Jesus, we live in a world that doubts, criticizes, or is hostile toward Christ.  As Paul wrote in the book of Philippians, “our citizenship is in hea...

Devotionals on the Go artwork

Do Not Worry The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - February 15, 2024 09:00 - 8 minutes
This Devotional is part of  Week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ Although this may be a very familiar passage for you, listen to it with fresh eyes.  What is God saying to you in this passage today? Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for mo...

Devotionals on the Go artwork

Parables of Persistent Prayer: The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - February 14, 2024 19:00 - 13 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 2 from Week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ In your life, you are always doing one or the other.  If you’re not praying, you’re giving up.  And if you’re giving up, it’s because you are not praying.  Rather th...

Devotionals on the Go artwork

Living in Faith - How Strong is Your Faith? The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - February 13, 2024 09:00 - 7 minutes
This Devotional is part of week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ Today’s reading is not a parable, but rather a story of faith. In what ways have you seen God bless people who trust Him? In what ways have you seen God bless YOU as you trust Hi...

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The Parable of the Talents - Don't Waste Your Gold : The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - February 12, 2024 09:00 - 14 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 1 from Week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ Today’s reading states quite clearly that there will be a final day of reckoning, illustrated when the “master of those servants came and settled accounts with them....

Devotionals on the Go artwork

The Sheep and the Goats - Are You on the Right or the Left? : The Parables of Jesus, Week 2, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - February 09, 2024 09:00 - 15 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 3 from Week 2 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ “He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.  He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.” The ...

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The Narrow Door of Salvation - It’s a Small Door : The Parables of Jesus, Week 2, Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - February 08, 2024 09:00 - 10 minutes
This Devotional  is part of Week 2 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @, where workouts and Bible study come together! Jesus is the door.  He is the way, the truth and the life.  If you acknowledge Him as your savior, you have indeed passed along the ...

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The Good Samaritan - Who is Worthy of Your Love? : The Parables of Jesus, Week 2, Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - February 07, 2024 09:00 - 11 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 3 from Week 2 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ In today’s reading, an expert of the law asks Jesus the question: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”  This very important question isn’t just answered BY Jesu...

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The Lost Parables - Lost But Now Found: The Parables of Jesus, Week 2, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - February 06, 2024 09:00 - 12 minutes
This Devotional  is part of Week 2 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @, where workouts and Bible study come together! We are all sinners.  We are all lost.  But we are also all precious to our God and Father who is anxiously wanting to bring us each ...

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The Prodigal Son : The Parables of Jesus, Week 2, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - February 05, 2024 09:00 - 14 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 1 from Week 2 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ Today we reflect on the Parable of the Prodigal Son.  This parable is about the relationship of God to his faithful children and his unfaithful ones.  It paints a pi...

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A Parable of Gratitude : The Parables of Jesus, Week 1, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - February 02, 2024 08:00 - 15 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 3 from Week 1 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ Simon had lost sight of his need for God’s forgiveness.  And we too, as we journey through our walk with God, can become desensitized to our own sin and forget our o...

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Are You Seeking God First? : The Parables of Jesus, Week 1, Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - February 01, 2024 08:00 - 8 minutes
This Devotional pairs is part of Week 1 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @, where workouts and Bible study come together! When we pursue our own agenda, fixing our eyes only on the here and now and what we want at the moment, we lose sight of eterni...

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The Parable of the Kingdom - Your Treasure Awaits : The Parables of Jesus, Week 1, Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - January 31, 2024 08:00 - 11 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 2 from Week 1 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ Reflect back to when you found Jesus. Was it difficult  to make the decision to follow Him?   What changes in your life occurred since following Him?  And consider a...

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The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven : The Parables of Jesus Week 1, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - January 30, 2024 08:00 - 13 minutes
This Devotional pairs is part of Week 1 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @, where workouts and Bible study come together! What does Jesus mean by telling us to “turn and become like children”? How easy it is for us to keep comparing ourselves to ea...

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Parable of the Sower: The Parables of Jesus Week 1, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - January 29, 2024 08:00 - 15 minutes
This Devotional pairs with Workout 1 from Week 1 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ We all have areas of our hearts that have “soil” that is open and receptive to God, as well as areas that our “soil” is hard or less receptive.  What are these areas...

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Living with Forward Focus - Devotional 15 From New You, Stepping Out in Faith

Devotionals on the Go - January 26, 2024 08:00 - 8 minutes
Devotional 14 From New You, Stepping out in Faith This devotional is part of the 3 week Bible Study Workout Series at If you listened to yesterday’s devotional, you have hopefully come up with a list of words and thought about what each word means to you.  Now it’s time to ...

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