Latest Child psychology Podcast Episodes

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ME/CFS – The Forgotten Disease

Parenting and Personalities - April 18, 2023 15:30 - 34 minutes
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ME/CFS as it’s known.   The World Health Organisation classified ME/CFS as a disease, not a psychological issue, back in the 1960’s but we still know so little about it. It’s a complex disabling disease affecting the brain, the muscles, and d...

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The Joys (and Minefields) of Grandparenting

Parenting and Personalities - April 10, 2023 15:30 - 18 minutes
Grandparents teach young children. They bring a special enthusiasm that helps a child grow. They teach them by sharing stories, traditions, conversation, reading… and time together. Many families rely on grandparents for trusted childcare, but many surveys also show many grandparents feel some ...

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When Your Child is Suicidal – One Family’s Story

Parenting and Personalities - April 04, 2023 16:00 - 40 minutes
Cindy and Brian in their 30’s when they became parents so they thought they were ready to handle pretty much anything it brought them. They weren’t. In High School their son was honest with them, he was having suicidal feelings… constantly. Local professionals didn’t seem able to help. Frantic...

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Easter Traditions – Old & New

Parenting and Personalities - March 28, 2023 16:00 - 17 minutes
What does Easter mean to you? For some it’s a devout and important part of the Christian faith. For others it’s a tradition that developed in the northern hemisphere to mark the coming of Spring. And for others, it’s about chocolate! In this episode Kate roams the neighbourhood talking with fri...

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Brewing Coffee and Talking Parenting with Introvert and Extrovert Parents

Parenting and Personalities - March 21, 2023 17:30 - 25 minutes
Growing up and understanding your place and your voice in this world isn’t easy. A personality trait tool that can help people understand and codify themselves is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). For example, Tracy Noon was an introverted child in a family mixed with introverts and extro...

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Coffee Time and Talking Parenting with Introvert and Extrovert Parents

Parenting and Personalities - March 21, 2023 17:30 - 25 minutes
Growing up and understanding your place and your voice in this world isn’t easy. A personality trait tool that can help people understand and codify themselves is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). For example, Tracy Noon was an introverted child in a family mixed with introverts and extro...

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A Cuppa With Kate and Tra – Of Intraverts and Extroverts

Parenting and Personalities - March 21, 2023 17:30 - 25 minutes
Growing up and understanding your place and your voice in this world isn’t easy. A personality trait tool that can help people understand and codify themselves is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). For example, Tracy Noon was an introverted child in a family mixed with introverts and extro...

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Setting Healthy Boundaries

Parenting and Personalities - March 14, 2023 18:30 - 26 minutes
Children need boundaries. Well we all need boundaries.  Boundaries, essentially, are a form of self care. They create clear guidelines/rules/limits of how people should be treated. Boundaries honour our needs and wants so we feel respected and safe. They build self-esteem, help bring focus, enh...

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Teaching Our Kids to Fail Successfully

Parenting and Personalities - March 07, 2023 18:30 - 36 minutes
No one likes to fail and no one wants to see their kids fail. But failure plays an important role in life. It helps us learn, grow, and develop resilience. It allows us to develop a growth mindset and build confidence. In this episode Kate talks with Kari Sutton who has worked with thousands of...

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Tuning In To Our Kids (and Getting Help Doing That)

Parenting and Personalities - February 28, 2023 17:30 - 23 minutes
Tuning in to Kids® (TIK) is a suite of parenting programs that focus on the emotional connection between parents/carers and their children, from pre-schoolers to teens. The evidence-based programs have proven success in improving parenting, parent-child relationships and children’s emotional com...

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Collaborative & Proactive Solutions for Problem Solving

Parenting and Personalities - February 21, 2023 17:30 - 29 minutes
Imagine you live downstream from a factory that makes widgets. You keep seeing widgets in the river near where you live. Your natural solution to this problem would be to go upstream to the factory, make them aware of the problem, and insist or help them fix it. We don’t do that with our childr...

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Learning Real Communication With Your Kids

Parenting and Personalities - February 14, 2023 18:30 - 31 minutes
Imagine your child still hasn’t cleaned their room although you’ve asked them to numerous times. You probably don’t need to imagine. You remind them again, this time in a stronger tone, perhaps even demanding. And they either don’t or they do but the communication between you is strained. Anoth...

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Floortime For Children With Autism And Other Developmental Differences

Parenting and Personalities - February 07, 2023 15:30 - 31 minutes
Dr Stanley Greenspan was a specialist in children’s social / emotional health. He proved it’s our social and emotional systems that drive childhood development. Not just our emotional health but also our neurological and physical health. Dr Greenspan went on to create a model to identify what so...

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Do You Make New Year’s Resolutions?

Parenting and Personalities - December 27, 2022 15:30 - 31 minutes
Much maligned are New Year’s resolutions. But that overall idea of setting time aside to plot life goals, specifically goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely, is a good one. In this episode Kate and guest Tracy Noon talk through the ideas of goal setting at year-...

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Santa… Is It Time Parents Told Children the Real Story?

Parenting and Personalities - December 20, 2022 15:30 - 27 minutes
When it comes to Christmas… and your kids… and Santa...  Do you believe in magic? Or do you believe honesty should prevail? In this episode Kate checks in with several previous guests to learn their family traditions and preferences when it comes to Santa and kids.  Ho Ho Ho? or No No No? Gue...

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Santa Claus. Ho Ho Ho or No No No?

Parenting and Personalities - December 20, 2022 15:30 - 27 minutes
When it comes to Christmas… and your kids… and Santa...  Do you believe in magic? Or do you believe honesty should prevail? In this episode Kate checks in with several previous guests to learn their family traditions and preferences when it comes to Santa and kids.  Guests: Caitlin Samson Evan...

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Gifts, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Parenting and Personalities - December 13, 2022 15:30 - 17 minutes
There's nothing like giving or receiving a gift where the first words that come to mind are “Is this returnable?” Gift giving is actually pretty hard. You need to know the person. What do they like? Dislike? What do they use? Do they like practicality in a present? Romanticism? In this episode...

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Coping Skills for Stress and Anxiety

Parenting and Personalities - December 06, 2022 15:30 - 33 minutes
They’re different things stress and anxiety. In general stress is a response to an external cause, anxiety is a person’s reaction to stress – it’s internal. The most important thing is to recognize the signs of anxiety in your children and in yourself.  In this episode Kate talks with emotiona...

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Using Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to Bring Back Calm and Connection with Our Kids

Parenting and Personalities - November 29, 2022 15:30 - 29 minutes
What are you feeling right now… and why? Such a simple question but a complex answer and even more elaborate is the way our emotions and our reactions impact those around us. Emotional Intelligence or EQ is the ability to understand, use, and manage your emotions in positive ways to relieve st...

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Powerful Parenting – How to Communicate Effectively With Your Children

Parenting and Personalities - November 22, 2022 15:30 - 25 minutes
The trickiest times for communication with our children are when we’re stressed or angry. What’s happening during those moments in our brains? What’s happening inside our child’s brain? Sarah Best joins Kate to talk about effective communication, how to be both firm and kind, how to offer ideas...

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Changing the World is Child’s Play

Parenting and Personalities - November 15, 2022 15:30 - 29 minutes
Freely chosen play is when a child decides and controls their play following their instincts, imagination, and interests. No adult leadership. No right or wrong way to play. Just play. Play improves the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and young people (little s...

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To Home School Or Not to Home School?

Parenting and Personalities - November 08, 2022 15:30 - 34 minutes
Advocates can find the advantages; critics can easily point out the flaws.  In the wake of the COVID experience, more parents are choosing the path of home education (that’s the preferred term). While a precise definition differs, there are some key elements to home education that separate it f...

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Does Everyone Have Food Intolerances These Days?

Parenting and Personalities - November 01, 2022 15:30 - 26 minutes
Any restaurant food server will tell you/ Table of four? Four different food intolerances and allergies. One is gluten free, the other is dairy free, another might be a vegetarian or allergic to nuts, or something else. Food intolerances are different from allergic reactions, they don’t involve...

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Tips for Building Kids’ Resilience After Minor Injuries

Parenting and Personalities - October 25, 2022 15:30 - 30 minutes
Your son trips and grazes his knee. Your daughter bumps her head on the table. There’s that moment of silence before the tears flow. Often, they sneak a glance at you for your reaction. Do you make a fuss? Or tell them to “walk it off”?  Sarah Wallwork is a physiotherapist and clinical pain ...

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A Parent’s Guide to Good Food and Diet For Their Kids

Parenting and Personalities - October 18, 2022 15:30 - 34 minutes
Our kids are going to grow up just like us – sick and tired of being sick and tired. Digestive wellness, chronic wellness, food intolerances – these can all begin when we are children. As parents we can help our kids get the best start. In this episode Kate talks with Caitlin Samson, a Clinica...

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Dear Addy – #DadLunchNotes to His daughter

Parenting and Personalities - October 11, 2022 15:30 - 38 minutes
In August 2017, Chris Yandle wrote a short little note to his grade 8 daughter and slipped it into her backpack. “Dear Addy, treat everyone like they are the most important person you’ll ever meet. Love Dad.” She liked the note, so he kept writing them. “Dear Addy, right is right, even if no ...

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Does Your Child Prefer Structure? Or Going With the Flow?

Parenting and Personalities - October 04, 2022 15:30 - 21 minutes
The MBTI can be a useful tool for understanding and even raising our children. Just like us they have preferred personality tendencies. Some children fall under the J for Judging. They prefer structure. Others fall under the P for Perceiving. They prefer feelings and emotion. Overall, most chil...

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The Different Personalities That Make a Family

Parenting and Personalities - September 27, 2022 16:30 - 24 minutes
Dr Seuss once wrote “You are the youiest you.” It’s a great phrase reinforcing there is no one else completely like you. In our relationships we forget that sometimes. We expect our children and partners to be as excited as us about something or respond just as quickly (or slowly) as we had hope...

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Attention Deficit and Digital Therapeutics

Parenting and Personalities - September 13, 2022 16:30 - 29 minutes
Attention is critical to children in the development of cognitive skills – it’s the development of their ability to process sensory information which leads to better memory, problem solving, and general thinking. It makes sense “Attention” needs to be regarded like vision or hearing. Attention ...

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Attention Deficit and Digital Therapeutics

Parenting and Personalities - September 13, 2022 16:30 - 29 minutes
Attention is critical to children in the development of cognitive skills – it’s the development of their ability to process sensory information which leads to better memory, problem solving, and general thinking. It makes sense “Attention” needs to be regarded like vision or hearing. Attention ...

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