Latest Chasingdreams Podcast Episodes

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 192: Jonathan Jones – Speak Your Success

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - May 15, 2019 12:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
How can your example of chasing your dreams help someone else? It all comes down to the motivation we feel when we see someone else overcome challenges and succeed. My guest is here to tell us why the world needs YOUR success! Jonathan Jones is a social entrepreneur, best-selling author, and TE...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 192: Jonathan Jones - Speak Your Success

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - May 15, 2019 12:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
How can your example of chasing your dreams help someone else? It all comes down to the motivation we feel when we see someone else overcome challenges and succeed. My guest is here to tell us why the world needs YOUR success! Jonathan Jones is a social entrepreneur, best-selling author, and TED...

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Ep. 191: Royce M. – Stepping into Fear

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - May 08, 2019 12:00 - 55 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Many of us battle with anxiety and its symptoms, but what’s most important is how we respond, and how we learn to cope. Do you use anxiety as an excuse for all the things you can’t do? Today’s guest shares his personal story with vulnerability, openness, and honesty about how he’s refused to let...

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Ep. 191: Royce M. - Stepping into Fear

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - May 08, 2019 12:00 - 55 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Many of us battle with anxiety and its symptoms, but what’s most important is how we respond, and how we learn to cope. Do you use anxiety as an excuse for all the things you can’t do? Today’s guest shares his personal story with vulnerability, openness, and honesty about how he’s refused to let ...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 190: Jake Heilbrunn - Finding Fulfillment Through The Road Less Traveled

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - May 01, 2019 12:00 - 40 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Sometimes chasing your dream requires you to walk away from the path you thought was laid out before you and make a leap and take a risk. If you allow others to tell you what’s right for your life, then chances are that you’ll encounter anxiety. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re ta...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 190: Jake Heilbrunn – Finding Fulfillment Through The Road Less Traveled

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - May 01, 2019 12:00 - 40 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Sometimes chasing your dream requires you to walk away from the path you thought was laid out before you and make a leap and take a risk. If you allow others to tell you what’s right for your life, then chances are that you’ll encounter anxiety. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re t...

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Ep. 189: Diana Cheruvil – It’s Never Too Late

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - April 24, 2019 12:00 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Sometimes all it takes are the right words from the right person to boost your courage and give you permission to take radical steps. Such is the experience of today’s guest, a dream chaser whose path has been anything but ordinary. Diana Cheruvil is a dynamic and goofy human whose life has bee...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 189: Diana Cheruvil - It's Never Too Late

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - April 24, 2019 12:00 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Sometimes all it takes are the right words from the right person to boost your courage and give you permission to take radical steps. Such is the experience of today’s guest, a dream chaser whose path has been anything but ordinary. Diana Cheruvil is a dynamic and goofy human whose life has been...

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Ep. 188: Marcus Roberts-DeLoach - Bigger Than You

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - April 17, 2019 12:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Can a young person be the voice of motivation and empowerment in chasing dreams? Yes! Join me for an inspiring conversation with a dream chaser who is already making an impact and helping others find their purpose. Marcus Roberts-DeLoach is a 22-year-old young adult empowerment writer, speaker, ...

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Ep. 188: Marcus Roberts-DeLoach – Bigger Than You

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - April 17, 2019 12:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Can a young person be the voice of motivation and empowerment in chasing dreams? Yes! Join me for an inspiring conversation with a dream chaser who is already making an impact and helping others find their purpose. Marcus Roberts-DeLoach is a 22-year-old young adult empowerment writer, speaker,...

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Ep. 187: Shannon Cason – Finding Your Voice

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - April 10, 2019 12:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Who doesn’t love a good story? Whether you’re reading, watching, or listening---you can be drawn in before you realize it. My guest today knows the power and magic of storytelling---and he’s sharing some of his secrets with us. Shannon Cason has told stories all over the country with The Moth, ...

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Ep. 187: Shannon Cason - Finding Your Voice

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - April 10, 2019 12:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Who doesn’t love a good story? Whether you’re reading, watching, or listening---you can be drawn in before you realize it. My guest today knows the power and magic of storytelling---and he’s sharing some of his secrets with us.   Shannon Cason has told stories all over the country with The Moth...

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Ep. 186: Brian Drury – How to Change What Can’t Be Changed

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - April 03, 2019 12:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Can you still chase your dreams if you aren’t sure about how to move forward? Yes! Today’s guest shares his personal experience with learning to be still and focus on the next step. Brian Drury is a return guest from Episode 44. We’re checking in with Brian to see what’s new in his life and his...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 186: Brian Drury - How to Change What Can't Be Changed

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - April 03, 2019 12:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Can you still chase your dreams if you aren’t sure about how to move forward? Yes! Today’s guest shares his personal experience with learning to be still and focus on the next step. Brian Drury is a return guest from Episode 44. We’re checking in with Brian to see what’s new in his life and his ...

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Ep. 185: Jessica Kupferman - Stepping Into Your Influence

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 27, 2019 12:00 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Do you root for the underdog? My guest today pulls for the underdogs of the podcast world---the small, independent podcasters who don’t grab the big sponsorships. Let’s find out what she’s about and how she has made her place in the podcasting arena. Jessica Kupferman is an internet and digital ...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 185: Jessica Kupferman – Stepping Into Your Influence

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 27, 2019 12:00 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Do you root for the underdog? My guest today pulls for the underdogs of the podcast world---the small, independent podcasters who don’t grab the big sponsorships. Let’s find out what she’s about and how she has made her place in the podcasting arena. Jessica Kupferman is an internet and digital...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 184: Tuniscia O - Journey to Becoming an Empowered Stepmother

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 20, 2019 12:00 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
With the prevalence of blended families today, being a stepparent is rarely thought of in a positive light. The truth is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Hold your skepticism until you hear what today’s guest has to say about blended families thriving and creating an atmosphere of love and mu...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 184: Tuniscia O – Journey to Becoming an Empowered Stepmother

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 20, 2019 12:00 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
With the prevalence of blended families today, being a stepparent is rarely thought of in a positive light. The truth is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Hold your skepticism until you hear what today’s guest has to say about blended families thriving and creating an atmosphere of love and m...

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Ep. Bonus: Aimee J. - 2019 Fundathon

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 18, 2019 19:34 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Hey Dream Chaser,  Myself and the Chasing Dreams podcast is raising money to keep the podcast going for an additional twelve (12) months. This is a bonus episode to talk about the future of Chasing Dreams, why we're doing a fundraiser, and how you can help. Thanks for all of your support. I w...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. Bonus: Aimee J. – 2019 Fundathon

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 18, 2019 19:34 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Hey Dream Chaser,  Myself and the Chasing Dreams podcast is raising money to keep the podcast going for an additional twelve (12) months. This is a bonus episode to talk about the future of Chasing Dreams, why we're doing a fundraiser, and how you can help. Thanks for all of your support. I w...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 183: Akosua Dardaine Edwards - It Starts & Ends with Self, Self-Belief, & Self-Love

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 13, 2019 12:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
In honor of women’s history month, today’s guest is here to teach us to stop listening to the voices of other people! They force us to do or be certain things that aren’t authentic with who we are. It’s only when we get real about who we are and why we are here in this world----and listen to the ...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 183: Akosua Dardaine Edwards – It Starts & Ends with Self, Self-Belief, & Self-Love

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 13, 2019 12:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
In honor of women’s history month, today’s guest is here to teach us to stop listening to the voices of other people! They force us to do or be certain things that aren’t authentic with who we are. It’s only when we get real about who we are and why we are here in this world----and listen to the...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 182: Elaine Williams - It's Not about the Camera!

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 06, 2019 13:00 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
In honor of women’s history month, today’s show features a previous guest who’s still hard at work chasing her dreams and helping others chase theirs. You can catch her first appearance on Chasing Dreams back in Episode 97. Elaine Williams has helped hundreds of people with their confidence in f...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 182: Elaine Williams – It’s Not about the Camera!

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - March 06, 2019 13:00 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
In honor of women’s history month, today’s show features a previous guest who’s still hard at work chasing her dreams and helping others chase theirs. You can catch her first appearance on Chasing Dreams back in Episode 97. Elaine Williams has helped hundreds of people with their confidence in ...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 181: Regine Roy – Time to Reclaim Your Throne

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - February 27, 2019 13:00 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
What are the “wins” you can look back on in your life? Can you see how to use those for motivation today? Join us for today’s show that focuses on empowerment, career development, and claiming your best life. Regine Roy is a mental health consultant, speaker, and the president and founder of Qu...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 181: Regine Roy - Time to Reclaim Your Throne

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - February 27, 2019 13:00 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
What are the “wins” you can look back on in your life? Can you see how to use those for motivation today? Join us for today’s show that focuses on empowerment, career development, and claiming your best life. Regine Roy is a mental health consultant, speaker, and the president and founder of Que...

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Ep. 180: Ash Cash – Manifesting Your Financial Freedom

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - February 20, 2019 13:00 - 44 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Have you fallen into the trap of saying, “I’ll give my dream a TRY”? Today’s show will expose the negative mindset in that statement and SO many others that keep us from becoming fully committed to chasing the dream that lives within us. Join us to learn more! Ash Cash is one of the nation’s to...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 180: Ash Cash - Manifesting Your Financial Freedom

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - February 20, 2019 13:00 - 44 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
Have you fallen into the trap of saying, “I’ll give my dream a TRY”? Today’s show will expose the negative mindset in that statement and SO many others that keep us from becoming fully committed to chasing the dream that lives within us. Join us to learn more! Ash Cash is one of the nation’s top...

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Ep. 179: Diana George – Putting the Human back in Human Resources

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - February 13, 2019 13:00 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
What’s your perception of the HR department at your job? For most of us, we don’t think of HR as a place we want to go or the people we trust and want to build relationships with. My guest today seeks to change that as she shows us the human side of Human Resources. Diana George is the founder ...

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. artwork

Ep. 179: Diana George - Putting the Human back in Human Resources

Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. - February 13, 2019 13:00 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 57 ratings
What’s your perception of the HR department at your job? For most of us, we don’t think of HR as a place we want to go or the people we trust and want to build relationships with. My guest today seeks to change that as she shows us the human side of Human Resources. Diana George is the founder a...

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