In honor of women’s history month, today’s show features a previous guest who’s still hard at work chasing her dreams and helping others chase theirs. You can catch her first appearance on Chasing Dreams back in Episode 97.

Elaine Williams has helped hundreds of people with their confidence in front of the camera and in front of audiences. She takes people who are overcome with fear and turns them into confident public speakers, whether they are addressing 5 or 5000. She has 40+ years’ experience in professional performing and TV appearances on shows such as SNL, America’s Got Talent, and HBO. Elaine uses her two degrees in drama to help train her students and clients in their own media appearances. Spots are filling up fast for her next training program, Captivate the Crowd. 

That little voice

Have you heard it? We all have it---”that little voice.” It’s the voice of fear that stops us from moving forward, chasing the dream, and taking the leap. That voice never really goes away, but Elaine can teach people how to manage it. She teaches her clients how to “navigate the critic” by coming from the inside out. Elaine’s focus for performers and public speakers is on the preparation and rehearsal. She says that even veterans have nervousness, but a professional learns to manage it well.

TWEET: Don’t let your fear keep you from chasing your dreams. #chasingdreams

Influencing others

Are you even aware of the effect that living YOUR dream can have on others? Elaine explains why it’s super important to be authentic in your structure and creativity and to celebrate your wins. Elaine learned early on to take the time to journal after every set, show, or speech. She listed three things that worked well and what she could do better next time. This practice helps active learning and maximizes your time and energy. Journaling allows you to see the growth in yourself over time. 

TWEET: Journaling allows you to see the growth in yourself over time. Celebrate yourself! #chasingdreams

Fighting fear

We’ve all felt it---the fear that comes from trying something new or stepping boldly outside our comfort zone. Fear comes in many forms and with many faces, and its companion, limiting beliefs, can work together with fear to trip you up big time. Being really authentic means giving of yourself fully. Elaine says that she would rather work with 8-10 deeply committed people who are ready to work, than with 100 people who are afraid to be authentic. It takes courage in the face of fear to go deeper, but chasing YOUR dreams serves to inspire so many other people.

Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take--”Get an accountability buddy who will call you on your stuff. Set up a weekly appointment however your schedule allows.”


[:20] Elaine’s life since Episode 97[2:37] How fear freezes people up[6:18] Why the “critic voice” won’t go away[9:06] Nerves---why we always have them[10:34] Living your dreams and influencing others[14:40] How journaling helps your focus[16:49] What holds people back[22:00] Making friends with fear[28:15] Being a conduit for healing[29:45] The dangers of comparison[32:20] No such thing as overnight success[36:05] ONE action for a dream chaser


Visit  to find out more about Fundathon, coming soon on March 18-21. Find out how you can help fund the podcast for the coming year!

In honor of women’s history month, today’s show features a previous guest who’s still hard at work chasing her dreams and helping others chase theirs. You can catch her first appearance on Chasing Dreams back in Episode 97.

Elaine Williams has helped hundreds of people with their confidence in front of the camera and in front of audiences. She takes people who are overcome with fear and turns them into confident public speakers, whether they are addressing 5 or 5000. She has 40+ years’ experience in professional performing and TV appearances on shows such as SNL, America’s Got Talent, and HBO. Elaine uses her two degrees in drama to help train her students and clients in their own media appearances. Spots are filling up fast for her next training program, Captivate the Crowd. 

That little voice

Have you heard it? We all have it---”that little voice.” It’s the voice of fear that stops us from moving forward, chasing the dream, and taking the leap. That voice never really goes away, but Elaine can teach people how to manage it. She teaches her clients how to “navigate the critic” by coming from the inside out. Elaine’s focus for performers and public speakers is on the preparation and rehearsal. She says that even veterans have nervousness, but a professional learns to manage it well.

TWEET: Don’t let your fear keep you from chasing your dreams. #chasingdreams

Influencing others

Are you even aware of the effect that living YOUR dream can have on others? Elaine explains why it’s super important to be authentic in your structure and creativity and to celebrate your wins. Elaine learned early on to take the time to journal after every set, show, or speech. She listed three things that worked well and what she could do better next time. This practice helps active learning and maximizes your time and energy. Journaling allows you to see the growth in yourself over time. 

TWEET: Journaling allows you to see the growth in yourself over time. Celebrate yourself! #chasingdreams

Fighting fear

We’ve all felt it---the fear that comes from trying something new or stepping boldly outside our comfort zone. Fear comes in many forms and with many faces, and its companion, limiting beliefs, can work together with fear to trip you up big time. Being really authentic means giving of yourself fully. Elaine says that she would rather work with 8-10 deeply committed people who are ready to work, than with 100 people who are afraid to be authentic. It takes courage in the face of fear to go deeper, but chasing YOUR dreams serves to inspire so many other people.

Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take--”Get an accountability buddy who will call you on your stuff. Set up a weekly appointment however your schedule allows.”


[:20] Elaine’s life since Episode 97[2:37] How fear freezes people up[6:18] Why the “critic voice” won’t go away[9:06] Nerves---why we always have them[10:34] Living your dreams and influencing others[14:40] How journaling helps your focus[16:49] What holds people back[22:00] Making friends with fear[28:15] Being a conduit for healing[29:45] The dangers of comparison[32:20] No such thing as overnight success[36:05] ONE action for a dream chaser


Visit  to find out more about Fundathon, coming soon on March 18-21. Find out how you can help fund the podcast for the coming year!  


TWEET: Stop waiting for your “someday.” #chasingdreams

TWEET: Journal after every set, show, or speech--and list three things that worked well. #chasingdreams

TWEET: My WHY is to use my story for good, to help heal the world with more love, light, and laughter.  #chasingdreams