Latest Barnabas nagy Podcast Episodes

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Using Children & Women In Advertising and Media - You're Being Tricked

Barnabas Nagy - June 20, 2022 20:00 - 8 minutes
Children and women are being used in media and advertising because those images trigger a docile emotional response, ready to conform, buy and undergo programming. Support the show

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Polygamy is a Nightmare - Your Brain is Playing a Trick On You

Barnabas Nagy - June 14, 2022 15:00 - 19 minutes
Your brain is designed to protect you from trauma, for this reason you make up stories that matches your reality. Change is hard, so your mind fights change with colorful stories and self fulfilling prophecy. 🖥️ WEBSITE: ▶️ FUCK YOUTUBE:

Barnabas Nagy artwork

Equal Rights Are Not That Equal - Give me All The Rights of a Woman

Barnabas Nagy - June 11, 2022 23:00 - 2 minutes
When a we talk about equal rights I should also have an equivalent to pregnancy leave and the monthly period days off and if I divorce my wife I should get all her money, assets and business and make her pay for the rest of her life for the children that I keep. 🖥️ WEBSITE: https://barnabasnagy...

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Strong Independent Women are Weak and Dependent (Pt2)

Barnabas Nagy - June 10, 2022 23:00 - 6 minutes
When a woman joins the workforce she replaces her dependence on the man she loves and who loves her to a stranger (aka boss) who doesn't give a shit. It's a no brainer choice, isn't it? 🖥️ WEBSITE: ▶️ FUCK YOUTUBE: 🎙️ PODCAST: https://...

Barnabas Nagy artwork

Strong Independent Women Are Weak and Dependent

Barnabas Nagy - June 09, 2022 12:00 - 21 minutes
The notion of a "strong independent women" stems from feminism that swapped the roles in the family dynamic and destroyed it from the ground up. 🖥️ WEBSITE: ▶️ FUCK YOUTUBE: 🎙️ PODCAST: 🏆 MEM...

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Dating is Dead Is Because We Changed Our Mating System From Mammals' to Birds'

Barnabas Nagy - June 07, 2022 17:00 - 19 minutes
Mammals to Birds - The Reason Why You Don't Succeed In Dating... we switched the mating system of mammals to that of birds and it had a huge impact on society as a whole. 🖥️ WEBSITE: ▶️ FUCK YOUTUBE: 🎙️ PODCAST:

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The Reset is Coming On TV & Earth Is A Battery

Barnabas Nagy - December 20, 2019 13:00 - 9 minutes
I just got a lead, on Australian TV a banner on the news read "The reset is coming" a blatantly obvious message not to be missed. What if I told you that the Earth is a huge battery where the north and south poles are the two poles and the seawater is the conductor? Support the show (https://ba...

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Reset Predictive Programming, Natural Law and Old Sound Weapons

Barnabas Nagy - December 13, 2019 13:00 - 22 minutes
Do I think that civilization is coming? Yes. Do I KNOW it is coming? No. If you follow natural law it's either you KNOW or you DON'T KNOW. Do I know that the photos depict ancient sound weapons? No. Do I think so? Yes. What matters is what we KNOW innately. Support the show (https://barnabasnag...

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COPPA Is Not New, Metal Gear Solid AI Prediction & Revelation Futurism

Barnabas Nagy - December 05, 2019 07:00 - 47 minutes
This is an update on the COPPA legislation and on the new videos that I created lately. 👉 BECOME A MEMBER: (Get 70% off your first month use code: GOODBYEYOUTUBE) ✉️ NEWSLETTER: 👕 GET YOUR MERCH: https://shop.spread...

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