Latest #guidance Podcast Episodes

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Manifesting Big Dreams/international jungle retreat/ Connie Delgado/Theresa Rose

Edge Talk Radio - February 07, 2024 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What manifesting skills did they use to create their jungle dream? How can others manifest their dreams? Healing in the jungle, what’s special about it? How did you start empowering others? What connection do you have with nature? How can others connect deeper with nature? Why is it important for...

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Universal Energies to Transform Your Life using Energetic NLP with Art Giser, CA

Edge Talk Radio - January 17, 2024 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What is NLP or Neuro- linguistic programming? What are easy ways for you to reach your full potential, achieve personal transformation for your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual self, to move forward? Do you have to dig up the past, or is there another way? What does NLP help with? Can NL...

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Setting Your Energetic Template for 2024, Quantum Sphere Creator, Carla Fox Utah

Edge Talk Radio - January 03, 2024 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What is an energetic template and why would you want to use one for 2024? Looking for personal transformation creating an energetic path for your inner being to follow, creating a steady clear path of growth? Have you ever felt stuck or confused, let’s find clarity together. Set the course to suc...

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Power retrieval, transform your life with Mary Armendarez, California

Edge Talk Radio - December 20, 2023 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
How can we release lack, anxiety and fear? You say, true empowerment comes from within, how can we tap into that? What if we feel we lost our power? How can we meet our guardian angels and spirit guides? Why would we want to? Can we access them daily? What techniques can we use to feel safe and s...

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Addiction into Spiritual Awakening with Psychic, Author JD Radewan, Wisconsin

Edge Talk Radio - December 06, 2023 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Can you have a not so perfect childhood and be on a Spiritual path? How did he move through childhood trauma, anger and frustration? Ways to release judgment of yourself and others? How can a winding path of knowledge help on your journey? How did the awakening start? How did the communication wi...

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Video Games/Neurofeedback for ADHD, Author/psychologist/Dr. Connie McReynolds/CA

Edge Talk Radio - November 22, 2023 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Can you bring relief to your stress, anxiety, depression, pain, trauma, PTSD, or ADHD and bring mental clarity to yourself? What are ways to work with those who have ADHD, their parents, and teachers? What is Neurofeedback and how can it help people? What success have you, your clients and family...

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Past Life Regression with Eric Christopher Certified Hypnotherapist, Minnesota

Edge Talk Radio - November 08, 2023 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
How did a marriage and family therapist move into hypnotherapy and past life regression? What happens during a past life regression? Why would you recommend past life regression to people? What is the Soul Self and how do you connect to it to help with current present life healing? What is the li...

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Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment Medium, Author and Artist Susan Lukas, WI

Edge Talk Radio - October 18, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Is Spiritual and personal growth always taking place in people and in you? As we become enlightened, is life always going to be easy or what should people expect? Are messages for people always easy to convey or do they sometimes dive deep on what a person is experiencing? How did you start chann...

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Paranormal Investigations and Mediumship Kristina Bloom from Wisconsin

Edge Talk Radio - October 04, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
How does a paranormal investigation take place? Do you always have to be in a group to do an investigation? Is there anything to fear? What are scary or funny experiences that happened? Do a lot of people's interests start with Ghost hunting? Do you find different energies in each area you operat...

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Awakening of a Psychic Medium with John Frangipani, New York

Edge Talk Radio - September 20, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
How does an Awakening happen and what did it look like in a Psychic Medium? How has the awakening changed John’s perspective? How was fear overcome with trust and love on John’s journey? What type of Claire can people use to connect to the other side? What is Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clai...

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Journey with Jesus with Author and Therapist Tracy Taris from California

Edge Talk Radio - September 06, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What catalysts made Tracy bring the two worlds of Christianity and Therapy together? How did Tracy walk with Jesus? How can you interpret the messages of social media sorting fact from fiction? How do you know you are working with Jesus vs something else? What are ways to silence the inner critic...

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Channeling Elfian Realms with Kastalia Theo from Illinois

Edge Talk Radio - August 16, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Do Angels make their presence known differently? What role does healing your inner child play with Elfians and Angels? Why has there been some misunderstanding as to the purpose of the Elfian realms? Is there a family connection? What ways do these messages help people? What are the seven domains...

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Love Lingo With David Anderson, Wisconsin

Edge Talk Radio - August 02, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What is Love Lingo? Do words really affect us on the physical level and not just the emotional level/? How did a Reiki master start an apparel company? What are the differences between Usui, Karuna, and a Medical Reiki? What is the Emoto Study? How does water and energy affect us? How do people w...

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Sasquatch and The Veil with author Christopher Noel, Vermont

Edge Talk Radio - July 19, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Understanding physical structures, common behaviors and communications using telepathy. What is Mindspeak with Sasquatch encounters? What started his journey? What is the story behind the book, There is No Veil? Documenting psychic knowledge. What happened with Samuel Clemmens or Mark Twain’s exp...

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Spiraling Intuitive Guidance with Ellen Gregg

Edge Talk Radio - July 05, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
How do you use your intuitive guidance? Ellen channels a message from Original Energy. Do we all have intuition? Is intuition and ability or a gift? Should you explore different ways to connect to your intuition and why? What is energy clouding and how can you identify and clear it? What is the S...

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Beyond Quantum Healing With Peter Nowak

Edge Talk Radio - June 21, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What is Quantum Healing or QHHT? What is Beyond Quantum Healing or BQH? What is the Law of One? What is shadow work and why is it important to do? What other energies has Peter tapped into? How does he tap into Galactic Beings? What are they saying about the world going forward? What can we do to...

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Scalar Light withTom Paladino

Edge Talk Radio - June 07, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What is Scalar Light? How does the Divine, Consciousness and Scalar Light fit together? Are there healing properties with Scalar Light for the human body? What ways can it benefit animals, plants and humanity? How can we access and use Scalar light? How is Tom creating a healing Ministry? Join us...

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Hypnotherapy for Fertility and Pregnancy with Author and Creator Lynsi Eastburn

Edge Talk Radio - May 17, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
How can Hypnosis be used to help with fertility issues? What started Lynsi on the path of Hypnofertility? Learn how Hypnofertility can help overcome past trauma. What are the 3 keys to conception? What does the mind, body and spirit have to do with fertility? Can you connect to the baby or future...

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EFT and Talk Therapy with Psychologist Bryn Lowrie Yahn

Edge Talk Radio - May 03, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What issues can EFT help to heal? How does working on ourselves help others? What is Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT? How did a licensed Psychologist with over 25 years in the Psychology field move into EFT? What was the Catalyst? What were the steps along Bryn’s journey? How has it changed the ...

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Star Gate Military Program and Remote Viewing, retired US Army Major Paul Smith

Edge Talk Radio - April 19, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What is Remote Viewing (RV) and how did it start? How did Paul Smith, now Retired Major US Army Military become one of the original 5 people in the Star Gate Remote Viewing Military program? What was it like to work with Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann? What can you learn and why would you want to do ...

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Soul Consciousness Levels with Ileana the Star Traveler

Edge Talk Radio - April 05, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
How has Soul Consciousness shifted? What Soul Consciousnesses are available to us? What messages has Ileana received from different levels of Consciousness? What role do we play in our and others consciousness? Where is our Soul Consciousness going and how can we help accelerate the process? What...

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Extraterrestrial contact with Ileana the Star Traveler

Edge Talk Radio - March 22, 2023 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Extraterrestrial contact, what is it like? What are they like? What happens during abductions? What can we learn from them? Explore EL/Andromedan/Pleiadian Hybrid and other types of ET’s. What role do psychic abilities, remote viewing and hypnosis have with connection?  Join us as we explore the...

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Forensic Astrology with John, Elizabeth and Anita

Edge Talk Radio - March 08, 2023 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Understanding forensic astrology to Investigate a missing person or glean information on someone's passing. What information can be learned using an astrological chart in a new way? Discover what forensic astrology is. How it works. Where can you learn? Uncover the mystery of the many facets of ...

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Cryptids Anomalies and the Paranormal Society with Barnaby Jones

Edge Talk Radio - February 22, 2023 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What are Cryptids, Anomalies, Cryptozoology the Paranormal and why would you want to know more? How did Barnaby start on this path? What has he and his team experienced in the field? What is Cryptozoology and how can it be used? Join us for an open, enlightening, conversation understanding more a...

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Loss, Forgiveness and Love with Rick and Beth Olsen and Angela Zabel

Edge Talk Radio - February 08, 2023 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What does forgiveness look like when you have lost two children to a drunk driver? What does the journey of healing entail? Listen to profound new messages from their children. Do your loved ones ever leave you? Are children able to communicate after they pass? Is their communication feelings of ...

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Kelly Thebo channel for The Collective and Angela Zabel. Soul purpose.

Edge Talk Radio - January 18, 2023 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Have you had questions on our Soul Purpose? Let’s talk about our Soul purpose with Kelly Thebo and Kelly channeling The Collective tonight for The Collective's perspective on our Soul's purpose. Join us as we explore information on Kelly Thebo, who is the Collective and what they represent. How ...

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Using Hypnosis to Reach You Goals in 2023 with Drake Eastburn and Angela Zabel

Edge Talk Radio - January 04, 2023 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
How can Hypnosis help you? Can you use hypnosis on yourself using hypnosis techniques from a book? Can hypnosis help with anxiety, nail biting, skin picking, relationship issues,  smoking cessation, weight loss and setting and achieving personal goals? What do you want to change in 2023 for yours...

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Energy Frequency with Claire Marie Kohout of CMK Energy LLC and Angela

Edge Talk Radio - December 21, 2022 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Join us as we explore information on working with the vibrational frequency of love, joy and peace. Clearing the Past with love to Create a Future: Resolving Lineage and Karmic Debt to Create a Future of Freedom. How to tell what energy you are working with. Understanding what benefits are avail...

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Exploring the paradigm shift with Author Sean McCleary and Angela Zabel

Edge Talk Radio - December 07, 2022 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
 What is happening to the earth’s, animal’s and our consciousnesses. Let’s dive in deep and explore the possibilities around us.  How has the evolution of universal consciousness happened? Where are we going from here? Is there anything to fear with this shift? Sean McCleary is the Author of Ea...

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Ways to Fix Your Anxiety with Faust Ruggiero, M.S. and Angela Zabel

Edge Talk Radio - November 16, 2022 01:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Have you ever had anxiety and wanted ways to move through the anxious feelings and improve your life to a calmer, well balanced life? Faust is an author that has been working for over 40 years to improve on existing methods with cutting edge programs to improve your personal life. As a therapist...

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