Understanding forensic astrology to Investigate a missing person or glean information on someone's passing. What information can be learned using an astrological chart in a new way?

Discover what forensic astrology is. How it works. Where can you learn? Uncover the mystery of the many facets of astrology. Expand your mind and grow your tool box with more knowledge. Are you curious yet? Join John, Elizabeth, Anita and I for an intriguing conversation on forensic astrology. Check out more information on their websites

Anita's website Instagram and Facebook.


https://www.facebook.com/AnitaMcMillenpsychicmedium     https://www.instagram.com/anita_mcmillen_psychic/

Elizabeth's website Facebook and Meetup


 https://www.facebook.com/elizabeth.robidoux.9;     https://www.meetup.com/heartsong-center/

John’s is under construction.

Edge Magazine at https://www.edgemagazine.net   Angela Zabel at https://www.angelazabel.com/