Please welcome Matt Miller to the Zero Xcuses Podcast. Tune in to today's show to learn how Matt has built his business, School Spirit Vending, from humble beginnings to a nation-wide franchise. He is helping entrepreneurs create passive income, regain control over their time and build their own family-centric business. You'll also hear about how his past experiences in the Air Force as a pilot and in several corporate roles has shaped his path to where he is today.

Connect with Matt here:

WEBSITE: TWITTER:  ssvbusiness

E-mail Matt: [email protected]



Are you looking to build rock-solid discipline? Regain control over your time? Build your bank account? Connect on a deep level with your family? If so and you're willing to invest the time, money and energy into reaching your goals checkout my discipline coaching program! I teach you the fundamental tools, strategies and tactics necessary to have discipline in every area of you life! It's by application only and I only have a few spots for this!

Discipline Coaching

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