In today's fast-paced society, it's easy to lose sight of who is really in the driver seat of our lives. We often feel trapped by our jobs, bills, our kids, our homes, etc and, as a result, feel miserable because of it. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong any of those things. Sometimes all we need to remember is that we've chosen to take on those things to feel better! Listen in to today's episode to hear more about what I mean and some practical strategies to remind ourselves of this!

Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy:
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I'm participating in the Mark Divine's Courage Foundation BURPEES FOR VETS challenge to support their programs for veterans with PTS. I've committed to doing 100,000 burpees in 2018! I am pledging $0.02 for every burpee I do. 

Check out my fundraising page and please consider making a donation or pledge per burpee to help me reach my goal of $25,000!!!

Support Kenyon's Goal of Raising $25,000 for Veterans!

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Are you looking to band together with like-minded alpha males who are looking to build discipline, regain control of your time, build wealth and ultimately live life on your terms? We have recently launched the Infinite Results Mastermind where you can do just that. If you are interested in committing to getting exactly what you want in your life then join us at the link below:

Infinite Results Mastermind

Are you looking to build rock-solid discipline? Regain control over your time? Build your bank account? Connect on a deep level with your family? If so and you're willing to invest the time, money and energy into reaching your goals checkout my discipline coaching program! I teach you the fundamental tools, strategies and tactics necessary to have discipline in every area of you life! It's by application only and I only have a few spots for this!

Discipline Coaching

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