We look for sanity and balance all over the place, thinking there's something wrong with who we are right now.  We think our everyday life, needs, and desires must be transcended, rejected, in order to become "enlightened".  Beneath this is the fundamental idea that there is something wrong with us, just as we are. That life itself as we know it, is deficient,  destructive, doesn't provide all we need. That idea itself causes so much of the pain we feel, the refusal to rejoice in the great gift we have been given. 

But the great teacher Rinzai, returned to the truth. He returned to each moment of his life as it was, embodied it, honored it and took appropriate action. He recognized his hunger, didn't run from it. He didn't cmopensate in a thousand ways.  When he was hungry he ate, and that was enlightened action. Rinzai entered the great harmony directly, which is always right here wherever you go.