Most of us battle time, try to make it go slower, go backwards or forwards. We try to hold time in our grasp. Time seems dangerous even, as it flows inexorably onwards and  we are unable to stop the flow, always wondering where we are headed, and what will happen when we arrive. As we constantly weave back and forth between the past and future, time plays tricks with us. Rather than being thoroughly present in what's happening now, we focus upon remembering, comparing and hoping things will work out as we like.  I's fascinating to finally see that all of the anguish time creates is simply  the mind playing tricks on us.. Time is our dearest friend, our very life, and how we enter and relate to time, will dictate the very quality of our lives. One minute can seem to last for hours, or it can slip away unlived. Let's explore time  and see that we can always be at ease with its  flow we are a natural part of.