We all feel we have so many burdens, one thing to do after the next. And it never ends.  Day by day, hour by hour, we search around for what's next. How can we improve things, what needs to be done now? Zazen practice comes to tell us to  sit down quietly, breathe, realize that it's all done. Our racing minds and hearts have been playing with us, throwing us here and there. The longer we sit still, truly doing nothing, letting the breath breathe us, letting the thoughts drift up and leave,  we start to feel the delicious presence that we naturally are. This Presence is filled with all we need and all that everyone needs as well. It's already here, taking care of everything easily and completely. All we have to do is allow that. To stop trying to run the show. To stop having to be important. Instead, just to Be. What a wonderful discovery. What a gift to ourselves and the entire world. Try this is your relationships as well. You'll be thrilled.