We all long to be unshakeable during a time of shaking and change. The search goes on endlessly for a place we can stand firmly, something we can trust and depend on to navigate through uncertain times.  It is natural to run here and there trying to find a safe and sturdy place. Where we belong. Yet, the unexpected truth is,  the more we search, the shakier we become. That is because we are looking in the wrong direction. It is not possible to find that kind of stability in a world outside that consists of nothing but change. And yet, the unshakeable road is ever available. We need simply turn in another direction, become still, open and silent and look within. To our amazement, the more we stop searching outside,  running to and fro,  the clearer, calmer and happier we become. That which cannot be taken from us, that which is consistent and illuminating is right here within. What a joyous discovery.  Life takes a brand new turn.