00:48 – Introducing today’s guest, Eileen Reed

01:50 – Eileen’s business background

02:42 – An affinity for sales

03:40 – The biggest hurdle Eileen has encountered when starting as an entrepreneur

05:26 – Eileen’s current business, Simplify with Eileen

07:22 – The eclectic mix of clients Eileen encounters

12:58 – Advice Eileen would give to those trying to remove clutter from their lives

14:52 – The habits that Eileen has noticed among her clients

19:40 – The value of donating and recycling

21:07 – The challenges of moving from corporate life to entrepreneurial life

23:04 – What Zen Money means to Eileen

25:16 – Eileen speaks to the benefits of the entrepreneurial lifestyle

28:54 – Where listeners can connect with Eileen

29:18 – Eileen’s upcoming event, Simplify Business

Sound Bites:

• “I always looked at it [sales] as an opportunity to connect with people and to try and solve problems.” (03:10)

• “What I’ve learned over the ten years I’ve been in business is that it’s not about organizing, really. It’s really about helping people discover just how much more abundant, meaningful and joyful a more simple life can be.” (05:51)

• “The first thing I would say is to really just decide. Just decide that you need to make the change.” (13:21)

• “Buy just what you need just when you need it.” (15:45)

• “That message from our culture and the consumer-based world we live in is just, ‘You need the latest and the greatest, the most updated, the best, the newest.’ And it’s so false.” (18:22)

• “I’m all about JOMO, the joy of missing out.” (18:53)

• “I think, for me, Zen Money means a healthy perspective.” (23:21)

About Eileen:

A big “aha” moment led Eileen to break free from a 25-yr corporate career to create work more aligned with her heart and soul. After simplifying her own life, she created Simplify with Eileen in 2009 with a mission to guiding business and individual clients how to simplify and enjoy fuller, more abundant and meaningful lives.

Eileen empowers her clients with the tools & strategies to thrive in a life free from clutter, chaos and distraction. Over the years, she’s witnessed how transforming your surroundings & space with better systems, workflow, and functionality can absolutely transform your overall life. Inspiring her clients to reshape their relationship with "stuff" and embrace new ways to decide how much is enough, is core to what Eileen does.

Links Mentioned:

Eileen’s Website – https://simplifywitheileen.com/

Eileen’s Instagram – @simplifywitheileen https://www.instagram.com/simplifywitheileen/

Eileen’s Email – [email protected]

Zen Money Financial Quiz – https://www.zenmoneymap.com/moneystyle

Zen Money Website – https://www.zenmoneymap.com/

Books Mentioned:

Zen Money Map: Charge Your Worth, Pay Yourself First and Fund Your Wildest Dreams

The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life