On today's episode, Melanie goes solo as she discusses the many things that currently cause living a healthy lifestyle to be daunting af. She debunks so many common myths around fitness, nutrition, body image, and supplements - this episode is going to blow your mind.

Especially with celebrating July 4th this weekend, you might be feeling like you need to cut out all "bad" foods in order to fix the entire bag of Doritos and burgers you ate... but listen to this episode and you'll realize how simple & sustainable it can be! If you fall off the wagon and think that you need to go to the extremes to "fix" it, this episode is for you. 

Keep in mind this episode talks a ton about losing weight and changing body composition, which is something you absolutely DO NOT need to do. You are beautiful the way that you are, and you do not need to change a thing. 

Thank you so much for listening, your support means more than you know <3