Kathryn Meksavanh, a remarkable first-generation Laotian American shares her family's incredible journey to the United States. Her parents' escape from communist Laos, swimming across the Mekong River and finding refuge in Thailand before finally being sponsored to the U.S., serves as a powerful backdrop to her story.

Kathryn beautifully articulates the difference in the American dream as perceived by her parents and herself. While her parents made enormous sacrifices for a better life, Kathryn knows her worth and refuses to settle for anything less. She's a shining example of determination and ambition.

As an Asian Actress and a Program Manager at Accenture, she seamlessly blends her artistic background with her corporate life, infusing it with her bubbly personality, compassion, and her ability to connect with others. Kathryn shares the challenges she faced growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood, dealing with identity crises, and even being teased for the food she ate.

Kathryn's mission is clear: she aims to be a positive representation for the Asian American community, acknowledging the vital role of representation in the entertainment industry. Her journey of taking risks, stepping out of her comfort zone,  has built her unshakable confidence