Michlove Pierre is a true embodiment of resilience and success. Hailing from Haiti and arriving in the United States in her late twenties, Michlove's path was initially that of a dedicated nurse. However, her unwavering determination and passion for empowering women through hair care led her to create a thriving hair and skincare business that now generates seven figures.

Michlove shares her inspiring story, from working as a nurse to building her business from her kitchen while balancing the roles of a mother and wife. She emphasizes the profound importance of hair for Black women and how the media's portrayal has often fallen short in showcasing the true beauty of Black hair, impacting positive representation for future generations.

As a naturalista for over eight years, Michlove's journey has been a process of experimentation, trial, error, and continuous learning. Her quest to stimulate hair growth, lock in moisture, and achieve healthier hair eventually gave birth to Negés Banda, a plant-based product line designed with curls and coils in mind. With the ever-evolving beauty industry trends, Michlove's dedication ensures that Negés Banda provides clients with the best products to instill confidence and positivity.

At Negés Banda, they prioritize health and natural beauty, representing a brand that places importance on what goes into their bottles to ensure maximum results. Their style reflects a deep love for African and Caribbean cultures, echoing the strength, resilience, and courage that Michlove embodies.  We explore the natural richness of Earth, embrace the African perspective of culture, spirit, and lifestyle, and learn from Michlove Pierre's inspirational journey as she encourages us all to embrace and appreciate our natural beauty.