This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan. (29:00)
From GERMANY- First some brief reports on the changing approaches to Covid in European countries, with Sweden, Denmark, and the UK lifting most public restrictions. The European Commission has decided to call nuclear and natural gas power plants green and sustainable. Greenland's ice sheet is melting at an accelerated rate, raising ocean levels. Germany banned Russian media RT from broadcasting in German and Russia has responded by revoking DW staff and broadcasts in the country.

From RUSSIA- On his program called Going Underground Afshin Rattansi spoke with American politician Dennis Kucinich. Dennis has written a new book "The Division of Light and Power." The excerpts you will hear are about the rumors of war coming in Ukraine, wars as attempts to grab energy markets, the corporate ownership of many American politicians, the military industrial complex, and how change can be achieved in the US without a revolution.

From CUBA- Ecuador saw an oil pipeline dump large quantities of crude oil into Amazonian rivers. And the very large oil spill off the coast of Peru was not caused by waves from the ocean bed volcano near Tonga, leading the government to declare a environmental emergency. Antiwar activists will converge on Washington DC beginning Monday February 7 led by Codepink. Truckers in Canada blocked highways to protest mandatory vaccinations. 6 youth who developed thyroid cancer after the Fukushima meltdown have filed a lawsuit against the power plant operator Tepco.

From JAPAN- Japan is continuing to see rapidly rising Covid cases and expanding emergency restrictions. Afghan universities have reopened to women students separate from males. Panasonic will build lithium batteries. India is going to introduce a digital currency.