This week's show features stories from Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and NHK Japan. (29:00)
From RUSSIA- On his program called Sputnik Orbiting The World George Galloway interviewed Professor Alfred de Zayas, an American lawyer and historian, who was the UN special rapporteur on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order. What's the point of the United Nations if it cannot keep peace and find conflict resolution? He talks about the high levels of propaganda and fake history filling the mainstream media today. How many war crimes have been committed with impunity by NATO? What about Julian Assange?

From CUBA- The National Assembly of France rejected a draft resolution to offer Julian Assange asylum. Palestinians have protested at the Red Cross office in the Gaza Strip over Israeli treatment of political prisoners in their jails. The UN World Food Program estimates that 30 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing severe hunger due to drought conditions.

From GERMANY- Jennifer Morgan, an American co-leader of Greenpeace International, has been chosen to be Special Envoy for International Climate Action in Germany's Federal Government. Then a report on the anti-vaccine Convoys blocking roads and bridges in Canada. In France and Belgium similar convoys are being stopped, protestors arrested in New Zealand, Mexico is taking a pause in relations with Spain, and cannabis is being legalized in Thailand. Then a brief report on the NATO and US troop buildup on the edges of Russia.

From JAPAN- The Japan PM spoke with the Iranian leader and hopes that talks with the US go well this week. A report on increasing Covid cases in Japan and the extension of emergency measures. On the heels of a severe multi-year drought, a cyclone and heavy rains tore through Madagascar, leaving over 90 dead and 90,000 homeless.