Rust out or Burn out

Funny story: Three years in a row we had the same event happen on one of our toughest annual youth road trips. Every year we took middle schoolers to the mountains in the winter time (most of those years we had a sleeper bus). The “Skittles Event” came out of one middle school boy on this trip 3 years in a row. You will have to listen to the this episode to know what happened.

Noah longest lock-in ever! 120 years to build the Ark. Stayed on the boat for 150 days. He left the boat on the 27th day of the second month of Noah’s 601st year of life. How do you like that for a fun boat trip?

I found this article on my LINKEDIN account:

“Burnout at work is a well-known problem. But a new opposite term has recently surfaced in wellbeing discussions: rust-out. Rust-out occurs when employees feel underutilized and under-stimulated in their jobs. Work seems monotonous and devoid of personally meaningful aspects, which can hurt performance and mental health. Gallup’s global workplace report for 2022 found that only 21% of people feel engaged in their jobs. Europe was the region with the lowest percentage of engaged employees at 14%.”

This came from an ER Doctor responding to the mentioned post above. I think leaders may help rust out by:

1. Setting challenging and meaningful goals.

2. Providing opportunities for learning and growth.

3. Offering job rotation or cross-training.

4. Recognizing and rewarding accomplishments.

5. Asking their team, "what are you interested in" and how can I help?

The bottom line is that it is critical to create a culture of trust where leaders are asking the right questions and employees feel comfortable sharing their honest opinions.

People who feel like they’re rusting on the job can share with their managers, look for a new role, and re-inject enjoyable activities into their personal life. Bosses who spot rusty workers should help them speak up and co-develop a progression plan.

My thoughts: This happens especially. If the staff, congregation, or whatever organization you are a part of, if they have not run you off in the first 1 to 2 years, then they may just let you run yourself in to the ground being satisfied with what they are getting out of you and giving you no room for growth or expansion. 

Especially if we are doing work on a God Size scale, we need God Size Rest. Like Jesus or the prophets of old. Rusting out may be better than burning out!? But Burning UP… while often reducing stress and taking breaks like Jesus did is better, because Burning Up includes, Rest, Fuel, Encouragement, Fresh Ideas, Spiritual Food, Physical Food, Mental Renewal, and Creativity… Plus, Plus!!!

God gives us no more than we can endure if we’re following him and depending on him. That’s why Matthew 11:28-30 is some of my favorite verses.

(Matthew 11:28–30 NLT) - Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy my burden is light...”

And yoke meaning that thing that’s around an oxen or animals neck. It helps pull whatever load it is. So get His yoke, the thing that’s going to make your burdens easier, because it’s when it’s Him it’s light and it is easy.

I found my way is complex and hard. What about you? Are you frustrated doing things your way instead of getting God’s game plan?


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 (Listen to more at: https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ )

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms ( https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy )

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House


Rust out or Burn out

Funny story: Three years in a row we had the same event happen on one of our toughest annual youth road trips. Every year we took middle schoolers to the mountains in the winter time (most of those years we had a sleeper bus). The “Skittles Event” came out of one middle school boy on this trip 3 years in a row. You will have to listen to the this episode to know what happened.

Noah longest lock-in ever! 120 years to build the Ark. Stayed on the boat for 150 days. He left the boat on the 27th day of the second month of Noah’s 601st year of life. How do you like that for a fun boat trip?

I found this article on my LINKEDIN account:

“Burnout at work is a well-known problem. But a new opposite term has recently surfaced in wellbeing discussions: rust-out. Rust-out occurs when employees feel underutilized and under-stimulated in their jobs. Work seems monotonous and devoid of personally meaningful aspects, which can hurt performance and mental health. Gallup’s global workplace report for 2022 found that only 21% of people feel engaged in their jobs. Europe was the region with the lowest percentage of engaged employees at 14%.”

This came from an ER Doctor responding to the mentioned post above. I think leaders may help rust out by:

1. Setting challenging and meaningful goals.

2. Providing opportunities for learning and growth.

3. Offering job rotation or cross-training.

4. Recognizing and rewarding accomplishments.

5. Asking their team, "what are you interested in" and how can I help?

The bottom line is that it is critical to create a culture of trust where leaders are asking the right questions and employees feel comfortable sharing their honest opinions.

People who feel like they’re rusting on the job can share with their managers, look for a new role, and re-inject enjoyable activities into their personal life. Bosses who spot rusty workers should help them speak up and co-develop a progression plan.

My thoughts: This happens especially. If the staff, congregation, or whatever organization you are a part of, if they have not run you off in the first 1 to 2 years, then they may just let you run yourself in to the ground being satisfied with what they are getting out of you and giving you no room for growth or expansion. 

Especially if we are doing work on a God Size scale, we need God Size Rest. Like Jesus or the prophets of old. Rusting out may be better than burning out!? But Burning UP… while often reducing stress and taking breaks like Jesus did is better, because Burning Up includes, Rest, Fuel, Encouragement, Fresh Ideas, Spiritual Food, Physical Food, Mental Renewal, and Creativity… Plus, Plus!!!

God gives us no more than we can endure if we’re following him and depending on him. That’s why Matthew 11:28-30 is some of my favorite verses.

(Matthew 11:28–30 NLT) - Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy my burden is light...”

And yoke meaning that thing that’s around an oxen or animals neck. It helps pull whatever load it is. So get His yoke, the thing that’s going to make your burdens easier, because it’s when it’s Him it’s light and it is easy.

I found my way is complex and hard. What about you? Are you frustrated doing things your way instead of getting God’s game plan?


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 (Listen to more at: https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ )

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms ( https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy )

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House