Our primitive brain has three key motives.

When we're not paying attention, these motives drive all of our behavior.

They stop us from getting what we really want. And they keep us stuck in the same self-sabotaging cycles.

Because these three motives are all about short-term gains...often leading to long-term pains.

But this is only when we're unaware of what's going on.

In this episode, you'll learn the truth about these three motives and leave with steps for how to get beyond the primitive brain and into a thriving mind!

FULL VIDEO SERIES: To access the full Get Beyond Survival Brain video series for free as mentioned on the podcast, go here: beliefseed.com/survival-brain



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Lisa Philyaw, M.S. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Certified Life Coach, is an expert career and life coach. She takes a soul-focused, heart-led approach to helping her clients tap into their own innate wisdom. Through coaching with Lisa, clients learn to embrace all of who they are and show up to do their work in a way that is genuine and feels good.