Pride can actually contribute to our spiritual growth.

Many of us are taught from a young age to avoid being prideful. We are told that to have pride is wrong and disconnects us from the Higher Power (or whatever word you use to describe this energy). And so many of us train ourselves to avoid the spotlight, dismiss praise, and discard compliments. We do so with the intention of being good and thus spiritually connected.

And yet it can have the opposite effect. 

In our desire to not be prideful - we can become overly focused on ourselves. Self absorbed in our own quest to not be self absorbed...thus, separating ourselves from our Spirit and the very energy that we are desperately seeking to connect with.

So instead of condemning pride, let's understand how to use it to fuel us towards spiritual growth. That is what this episode is all about.

Learn the difference between grounded pride vs. ungrounded pride. Get clear on how to help yourself create deeper connection and foster spiritual growth by honoring your uniqueness without separating from that greater collective.

Doing so will help you feel better, be more connected, and cultivate career success from the grounded confidence that comes with it! 



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Lisa Philyaw, M.S. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Certified Life Coach, is an expert career and life coach. She takes a soul-focused, heart-led approach to helping her clients tap into their own innate wisdom. Through coaching with Lisa, clients learn to embrace all of who they are and show up to do their work in a way that is genuine and feels good.