Have you ever felt stuck, weighed down by past traumas or emotional blocks?

I'm Liz Gracia. In this transformative journey, I'll introduce you to the power of therapeutic journaling, a method that's not just about recording daily events but also about uncovering and healing the deeper parts of yourself.

"Opening Up by Writing It Down" by James W. Pennebaker and Joshua M. Smyth is our guide. It demonstrates how expressive writing isn't just cathartic—it's a pathway to higher consciousness and profound healing. 

We'll uncover the benefits that differentiate it from a typical diary and discuss why certain popular self-help strategies might do more harm than good. This enlightening conversation promises to shift your perspective on the written word and its potential for personal growth.

Let's explore high-consciousness energy fields, particularly the significance of the 270 level and how it affects every facet of our being—from the peaceful jingle of wind chimes to the profound impact of coherence healing. 

Media consumption isn't just about entertainment; it's a choice that can limit or expand our truths. 

This episode will also contemplate the essence of 'calling' and 'humility' and how the 270 energy field concepts can constructively influence our life path and interactions with others. 

Through personal anecdotes and insights from "Opening Up by Writing It Down," I will share with you the remarkable ways journaling has enhanced my emotional well-being and nurtured my physical health. 

Join me for this heart-to-heart

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List of Rules to Live By
Embrace Empowered Living: Design Your Personal Code for Success, Happiness, and Inner Harmony

Embark on a Journey to Letting Go
Unlocking Your Full Potential: Embark on the Journey to Letting Go and Embrace a Better Life

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