Carolyn Bendall, Fashion Critic and blogger (, discusses subjects, trends, or products within the beauty and fashion industry, focusing on Your True Colours, and how it applies to you, the individual.

Brian Avery and his wife, Marina, have three children with stunning academic credentials, each tracking toward rewarding careers. After entertaining questions about how their children performed so well, and listening to dismissals that not everyone can be a genius, the author is sharing the approach he and his wife took. He is an environmental manager for a steel company in Alabama. Both he and his wife have a formal education in engineering. 

The book, Raising Genius, focuses on preparing children for a globally competitive economy wherein specific disciplines are highly rewarded. Helping prepare children for options in tomorrow’s world is the key objective.With a little effort, guidance, and assistance on your part, life options for your child can be dramatically improved.

Raising Genius is an intentional misnomer. Many might dismiss your child’s academic and career success as the result of having a genius IQ, but this is not usually the case. Often what we see as “genius” is the result of focused and applied work over time.

In Raising Genius, the author provides methods, guidance, and strategy to help parents set their children up for academic and career success … success that will enhance options for your child.