The Color Code by Taylor Hartman goes beyond the normal personality profile, it tells you why you do what you do.  When you understand your motives, then you can understand yourself better and the people around you, improving your relationships.  

The 'Blues' driving core motive is intimacy and conncetions.  Their natural gifts are quality and service.  They are naturally focused on quality and creating strong relationships.  Blues think emotionally.

Join us and learn about the Blues in your life - even if that Blue is you.  We have a special expert with us - Mark - he is a 'true Blue'.  While he was in the hotel business, his focus and specialty was quality and service.  All his hotels ranked in the top for quality and service soon after he got there.  He was a natural.  

Mark and Kally

Indigo Mountain:  Wellness, Toys & Gifts

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