Join Debra Norwood, Laughter Lawyer USA for her Look Good! Feel Good! Show featuring Positive People, and Causes in our community that uplift and edify. Today we are joined by Rosabelle White-Rice,  co-host of Mi Vida! My Life!  Your True Colours bilingual radio show, to help with a special interview featuring a humanitarian, father, mentor and pastoral counselor:   Rev.Chaplain Octavio Areas, MDiv.,PCC,BCC who will share with us the wonderful work done at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.  Our radio show will also highlight the efforts of committed citizens in the vicinity who are working hard to get funding for dignified funerals for the "Little Angels" that pass away in hospitals without the proper funds for  dignified funerals. This is going to be a moving and extraordinary show of hope and healing as we learn how gallant people are joining forces to make the burdens of grieved parents a little lighter!  Octavio is a tireless benefactor and community volunteer. In 2012 he won the Power of One Award by Le Bonheur children's Hospital for his service to families and patients going above and beyond his duties. A member of Faith Baptist church, he is also co-founder and director of the support group,LUCES(Latinos United for Children's Education and Services). An active board  member of STEP, Octavio also finds the energy to serve as swimming coach for the Special Olympic games! A proud father of two childen, Andre and Sofia and with his beautiful wife Karla at his side, Octavio is indeed, one of Laughter Lawyer USA's  nominee for the 2015 award of "Becoming a Hero, Thriving in Sub-Zero Attitudes!!" Friend us on Facebook at [email protected]