The economics and rules of eating well.  Join us as we Get Real and 'cut through the fat' of how to really eat well.  Many people feel like they can't afford to eat well.  Simply put - junk food can appear cheaper - but you eat a whole lot more of it.   Which puts people in the catagory of being overfed and undernourished.  In the long run, eating well and eating for health pays off in better health and lower doctor visits.  We'll help you look at different ways you can eat better without breaking the bank and actually enjoy it.

Our family went from the sick care life style and industry to our Wellness Lifestyle.  Our passion is to help you Get Real and bridge the gap to a joy-filled passionate life with good health and vitality.

Indigo Mountain:  Wellness, Toys & Gifts

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Photo Credit:  Couple Eating Veg by Ambro at