Tired of living Paycheck to Paycheck?!
Don't worry, I've been there, and according to a survey carried out by CareerBuilder.co.uk*- approx 31% of British workers have previously admitted to always (or usually) living Paycheck to Paycheck, so you're definitely NOT alone! In this 25mins with Dom C segment (something I do in between interviews), I'm sharing 5 useful tips that really helped on my road to personal finance RECOVERY and I hope can help you as well. Its trial & error, but you absolutely don't have to make living Paycheck to Paycheck, a way of life forever! The more practice you put in & discipline you have, the easier it becomes... sooooo, without further ado, let's get in to this!!
If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please know that help is available. The following organisations provide free independent advice to those experiencing financial problems: Citizens Advice http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk Debt Advice Foundation www.debtadvicefoundation.org Money Advice Service https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/corporate/contact-us Christians Against Poverty http://www.capuk.org 
Please feel free to get in contact with me with any comments and/or questions at: [email protected].
*please note the information shared on this podcast is for educational purposes, only. Always seek your own independent financial advisor to get advice on your specific circumstances.  
*survey as at 2015.