In today's podcast episode, I’m joined by American guest, Nina Mohanty- a financial technology expert & financial inclusion advocate, who has had a thriving career in the financial tech industry- working with some of the biggest start up names that have literally transformed the way we manage our money, today.
Nina and I caught up to discuss Financial Resilience- something that has become increasingly important following the outbreak of Covid. In this raw, unedited episode, we talk frankly about what it means to be financially resilient, why it’s considered to be so important &, crucially, some of the challenges young people face in building their financial resilience in the 21st century. We also talk about how the financial services and fintech, in particular, can empower young people to become financially resilient. Nina is very open about her own financial journey, and also shares some lessons learnt & top tips, all in hopes of helping you on your path to financial resilience.

You can follow and connect with Nina at:
Instagram: @nina.mohanty

*please note the information shared on this podcast is for educational purposes, only. Always seek your own independent financial advisor to get advice on your specific circumstances. 

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please know that help is available. The following organisations provide free independent advice to those experiencing financial problems:
Citizens Advice
Debt Advice Foundation
Money Advice Service
Christians Against Poverty

Please feel free to get in contact with me with any comments and/or questions at: [email protected].

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