In this weeks episode I interview Lexi Beal, a coach for business leaders looking to find their own inner well being and thrive both in their work + life. She focuses heavily on the mind, heart + soul and believes that having those inner awakenings and deep inner transformations is the key to experiencing a profound sense of joy, fulfillment AND success in all areas of our lives.

Whether you're a business owner or not, if you are striving for success, fulfillment and happiness in your life then this episode is for you!

Some of the highlights include;

- Lexi's journey finding her passion & soul-purpose in life.

- Success defined as 'finding joy in your life'. 

- The power of giving yourself permission to be or do whatever it is that your heart desires, letting go of the need to fit into a box. 

- Your worth, how you feel about yourself & how you show up on your life is so deeply linked to your success. 

- How open you are to receiving will impact on your ability to receive success.  

- Do you actually believe your dreams can come true? How is this impacting on your thoughts, feelings & how you show up? 

- It's your job to get clear on your desires, anchor into your why and let go of the how. 

- The importance of energetic alignment in achieving your desires. 

- The power of re-framing your experiences. 

- The inner work is a crutial part of achieving success, but it doesn't have to be 'hard work'. 

Connect with Lexi; 

Instagram; @lexibeal

Connect with Becky;  Instagram - @thisisbeckyrodrigues Website - Facebook - (5) Becky Rodrigues | Facebook Membership; Membership (