Working with all kinds of leaders over the years, I come across many who say their core values are one thing, but then show up and act in ways that don’t align with those values. They contradict themselves and the wonder why the business isn’t functioning the way they want it to.

When we preach one thing and then do another, how can we expect the people who work for us and that frequent our businesses to trust us?

Having integrity as a leader is arguably one of the most important traits. To be able to lead a team of people in whatever it is that you do, you need to have that foundation of trust and communication, otherwise, you can’t expect people to show up how you want them to.

Base your values around having a healthy business culture for all involved. Follow up those values with your actions on a daily basis in every aspect and communicate them out to your team. Once you do, you will begin to see things run more smoothly and the people around you will really step into their roles.

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