More and more, people are choosing to frequent businesses based on the experience they receive while there rather than just on product or service. People care where they spend their hard earned money, and they want to spend it where they feel best about it. Your customer experience can make or break your business.

There are many ways to achieve a customer experience that has people coming back to your business. In fact, there are 4 elements that go into the creation of a memorable business:

Creativity. There needs to be some level of creativity involved in what you are doing in order to set you aside from the rest. Entertaining. You want the people in your business to feel good and enjoy whatever it is they are experiencing. Educational. Whether literally during a class or course or educating a customer about the product they are about to buy, make them feel like they are fully informed on all that is your business. Transformational. When someone walks into or clicks into your business until they walk or log out, you want them to have gone through some sort of transformation that for one reason or another, will keep you in their memory and coming back for more.

 You don’t need to have all four elements at once in everything that you do, as long as you know what it is you are trying to create and what transformation you want your ideal customer to go through.

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