If you focus on the surface-level value proposition of real estate (buying and selling homes) you miss out on the gigantic, valuable iceberg underneath - the opportunity to build wealth. Regardless of market conditions buying a home is always a good move, especially if it’s approached from the angle of investing and wealth-building. With the right real estate agent in your corner, one home can become the foundation of a bigger portfolio and real wealth - and you don’t need to be a millionaire to make that possible. 

As real estate professionals, focusing on the wealth-building aspect of business also sets us up for financial security in our own right, and we get so much more value by focusing on that aspect. 

For real estate business leader, Steven Chader, this is the message he wants to shout from the rooftops to both agents and consumers alike - make real estate about wealth and investing, and you’ll never lose out. Why is this actually a great time to get into a home? How do agents build real valuable businesses, not just professional practice? 

In this episode, the real estate broker, trainer, coach, speaker, bestselling author of HOLD, and founder of TCT Property Management shares what many miss about real estate and how to make it a central part of your service offering. 

View full show notes at YourNeighborhoodRealEstateShow.com

Guest Bio 

Steven Chader is a real estate broker, trainer, coach, speaker, bestselling author of HOLD, and founder of TCT Property Management. Steven has enjoyed more than 42 years as a real estate broker; helping thousands of people buy and sell their most important investments. His purpose is to add value to others both personally and professionally through teaching, consulting, and leadership. Steven is passionate about helping people build wealth and create financial freedom and he also wrote the book on it ... HOLD. 

Get your copy of HOLD over at https://kellerink.com/products/hold

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