The holiday  can be a busy season with many feelings and sentiments. There's always the thing how the holidays were before and maybe even expectations from even as early as growing up like how the holiday should be. And if there was pain, then we may even long more for this holiday to make up for our pain. 

And then there is a moving target on top of that, which is that life happens. With the pandemic, there was a time where all the holidays, were just via zoom, and we all stayed within our houses. And now that everything has been opening up more this year, we may need to get used to that, too. 

Brainstorm with my guest sherpa Sarah Hohmann on how to set sail not just for a peaceful holiday but for new things to come!

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You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity.

Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for where you can subscribe to the show. We would appreciate it if you would tell a friend about the podcast

Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for where you can subscribe to the show. We would appreciate it if you would tell a friend about the podcast

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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness