You’ve probably heard the term Personal Brand before and you’re likely in one of two groups. 1) What the heck is that? or 2) Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to do something about that…

Well buckle up mates, we’re breaking down the 5Cs of personal branding and sharing the reason’s why it helps to build your credibility and reputation within the workplace and wider industry:

Confidence Curiosity Credibility Catalyst Commitment (culture)

Hot tip: The end of the year is a perfect time to rest, reset and start thinking about how you’d like to strengthen your brand and what you’d like to advocate for in 2022.


If you’ve got any questions or you’re not sure where to start, please connect with us on socials and send us a message.

Instagram - @yourmarketingmates LinkedIn - /your-marketing-mates

Belle & Liz x