35-Minute Yoga Nidra For Chronic Pain 

Namaste. Welcome to this yoga nidra for chronic pain. As someone who has lived with debilitating chronic health conditions, I greatly empathize with those in a similar position. For nearly 18mths I was unable to get out of bed and relied on a cane or wheelchair for mobility. I found yoga nidra to be one of the few practices that helped my body heal. In fact, it’s why I became a yoga nidra instructor and now incorporate this potent healing practice into my business.

Our tendency, especially when living with a chronic health condition, is to focus on what’s wrong with us, what’s hurting, what isn’t working properly or the way we’d like it to, or on what we can’t do. Although this is a normal response, it can leave us feeling hopeless and stuck in victimhood.

The intention of this practice is to offer what could have helped me in the depths of my own suffering. Whether you’re living with body pain such as chronic neck, back or hip pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, arthritis, IBS, anxiety, vertigo, whatever it is, may this practice help you overcome these feelings of despair and offer hope that healing IS possible.










