How can you grab attention? How can you stir interest? What might you do to get people to listen to you?

Anders Boulanger is an expert at that. He’s been performing since age five. He’s earned his chops delivering Walk Around Magic. He’s attracted attention to boring tradeshow booths. He knows what works if you what to capture attention and have people participate more.

Many people are

Unaware of the unintended messages they are sending
Untrained on how to connect with the audience
Unremarkable with their delivery – especially with virtual presentations

What is the engagement gap? What happens to 33% of the energy?

Listen in to learn about his exclusive offer for listeners of this podcast – 33% off the regular fee of his online course on - How to be More Engaging Online.

Here's that link to the Virtual Engagement training program. This is an exclusive offer for listeners of Your Intended Message


For more information about Anders Boulanger and his programs visit the website

George Torok is your podcast host.

He hosted the weekly radio show, Business in Motion, on 93.3 CFMU for 19 years. During that time, he interviewed over 500 entrepreneurs, business authors and community leaders.

He’s known as “The Speech Coach for Executives” because he helps executives deliver more effective presentations. He does that through private coaching.

George is the creator of Superior Presentations – a presentation training program for managers, professionals, and sales teams.

Most importantly, George Torok is a student of communication. He examines the nuances, challenges, and secrets of effective communication.

Connect with George Torok