How to deliver your 60-second introduction.

How to make your elevator speech not feel like a pitch.

How to have them at hello.

How to build rapport with the people you meet and become more memorable.

How to turn the vague into the visible.

These are the gems that Sam Horn reveals in this discussion.

Sam Horn is the author of Tongue Fu, POP! Stand Out in Any Crowd and Got Your Attention.

She was the Executive Director of the Maui Writers Conference for 17 years - and helped thousands of writers get their book out of their head and into the world.

Learn more about her programs here


The Importance of Asking Questions [00:03:01]
Sam Horn discusses the importance of asking questions instead of delivering a one-way monologue during self-introductions at networking events.

Engaging in a Meaningful Conversation [00:05:03]
Sam Horn explains how asking follow-up questions and showing genuine interest in the other person's response can lead to a more engaging and meaningful conversation.

Turning Elevator Speeches into Elevator Questions [00:08:18]
Sam Horn shares an example of how to transform an elevator speech into an elevator question, emphasizing the need to make the conversation more real and interactive.

The Elevator Introduction [00:11:49]
Discussion on tailoring self-introductions to different groups and situations, including virtual meetings and networking events.

Writing Copy for Podcast/Webinar [00:13:52]
Exploring how to write engaging copy for virtual presentations by asking relevant questions and creating meaningful dialogue.

Turning the Vague into the Visual [00:18:14]
Using specific examples and visuals to make self-introductions more relatable and clear, increasing engagement and conversation.

The Empathy Telescope [00:24:19]
The power of empathy and how it can mobilize people to take action and make a difference.

Using Individual Stories [00:25:32]
The importance of using individual stories to make a connection with others and inspire them to take action.

Using Numbers for Impact [00:28:27]
How to effectively use numbers to impress decision makers and convey the impact of a project or idea.


Check out the POP Master Class starting Jan 2021
And listen to this discussion to discover how you can get a $100 discount for the Pop Master Class.




George Torok is your podcast host.

He hosted the weekly radio show, Business in Motion, on 93.3 CFMU for 19 years. During that time, he interviewed over 500 entrepreneurs, business authors and community leaders.

He’s known as “The Speech Coach for Executives” because he helps executives deliver more effective presentations. He does that through private coaching.

George is the creator of Superior Presentations – a presentation training program for managers, professionals, and sales teams.

Most importantly, George Torok is a student of communication. He examines the nuances, challenges, and secrets of effective communication.

Connect with George