This episode talks about dreaming, some tips on how to remember your dreams, and how we can use our dreams to point to what our subconscious mind is telling us. We also play "the cube game" where we get to explore our imagination to see what it's telling us about how we see ourselves and our lives.

Excerpt from this episode: "... I like interpreting other people's dreams and helping them to find out what it really means for them. So how do you work with dreams and interpret them? It's a good question. So for me, it's really about tapping into the subconscious or the unconscious mind and what is already there. And it's about understanding that the way that our brain interprets dreams, real experiences, imagination, memories, it all gets recalled from the same place when we're thinking about it in a way. Our brains don't really know the difference between our dream world life, our waking world life, our daydreaming, imagination, life, and memories, because they all essentially get stored in the same place. I find that tapping into our dreams can be a way a tool to tap into our subconscious mind. And if we realize that we have an emotional reaction to things in waking life, it can be the same thing in our sleeping life. Like those same trigger points, they come up because there's some unresolved places in our minds, and basically, our brains and our minds are trying to problem solve, even in our sleep is trying to sort things out and make sense of things and also brings up maybe some unresolved things in our lives that in our day to day we might push it away. But sometimes..."

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