Did you know that you can raise your energy just by eating? That's right! By eating healthy and nutritional foods we are showing the Universe that we are indeed in love with our bodies (the only tangible thing we own on this Earth).
490-500 Calories (Split up this meal if you want to!)
40-50 grams of protein

Pam Spray
Vanilla Extract
Egg Whites
Bread (Any Type. I used Sarah Lee's Artisan Bread)
(Monk Fruit Powder)
Sugar-Free Syrup

By nourishing our bodies we are not only proving to the Universe that we are truly grateful for being alive, but the healthy food is making us feel better! Try my High Vibration French Toast and you're sure to get the day started out right!

Perfect for Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner! This food will raise your vibration and speed up your manifestation process! Yes, food can help you manifest!
http://www.KaiValentine.com (Go here to grab your free book 'Money Desires You')

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