Here we are with part 4 of Finding Lasting Joy. If you have followed this series since the start at episode 16, you will remember the discussion about the difference between happiness and joy, episode 17 talked about the Joy Model from the book by Jeff Spadafora and how we need to balance being and doing to end up being a joyful follower of Christ. This will resonate if you are a person of faith, but if you are not, the concepts of being and doing still apply and the balance is still the same to lead to joy and satisfaction.. In episode 18, we talked about the importance of having margin in your life so you have time to do the things that are most important. Margin was the "M" in the Acronym MASTER. I am getting this acronym from "The Joy Model" book that I have referenced often in this series and point to in the show notes. I am getting some of the material for these episodes from that book, but am also pulling from other resources which I will reference and from experience.

In this episode, I want to talk about the "A" in the acronym, and it stand for abiding. What do we mean by abiding? For purposes of this discussion, we will define it as "to be with" or "to live with", and I am referring to God. This falls on the Being axis as part of the question who is God, who am I. Next week we will discuss the "who am I?" question as we talk about self awareness, the S in the acronym MASTER.

I am stating boldly that true joy can be yours when you are spending your time and living with God at the center of your life. John 15:4 says "Abide in Me, and I will abide in you". Hear the words of Jesus promising that He will be in true relationship with us if we will be in true relationship with him. He wants us to experience the lasting joy with Him.

Many may feel the Bible is filled with rules that are meant to stifle our joy, but they are the Word of a God that wants us to experience lasting joy filled with peace and purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

The world bombards us with thoughts that true happiness and joy come with money, prestige, cars, sex, elaborate vacations, and so on.  None of these things are necessarily bad if they aren’t “idols” in our lives, putting them on a higher level than God, and we need to have them while honoring God and having gratitude for them. But seeking these things to see joy is like “chasing the wind” as we talked about last week, leaving us seeking for what’s next since we still feel empty.

Romans 12:2 New International Version (NIV) Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Spadafora states that:

Our lives won’t change until we change what we focus on and put our energy into. Our focus and energy won’t change unless what we value in life changes. Our values won’t change unless our thinking changes. Our thinking won’t change unless we start putting the right stuff into our brains in the first place.

Garbage in - Garbage out

Philippians 4:8 New International Version (NIV) Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

How do we abide?

Read and study the Bible:  The Bible is truly the Word of God.  It can speak to you as you read.  Even particular scriptures can speak to you differently depending on how God wants to speak to you.  That is why they call it the living word of God.  There are many ways to “read” the Bible.  It can be confusing and frustrating for many just to try to read it cover to cover.  Our church did a series called “The Story” and you can purchase the book, which is the Bible written in chronological order.  It really helped bring each book of the Bible into perspective.  You can read or listen to it with Bible apps that are available.  I have the YouVersion Bible app on my phone and it has many reading plans that are topical, plus a verse of the day.  You can read it from your computer or phone or listen to it.  I take the verse of the day every morning and expand it to the entire chapter and listen to it during my devotional time. Meditate/memorize:  Take quiet time while reading to be still and listen to what you are reading, asking God to open your eyes and ears to what He would have you hear. Prayer: Matthew 7:7-12 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Silence/Solitude: Psalm 46:10  “Be still, and know that I am God Christian Camaraderie: We are better together.  Find a small group or group of friends that you can spend time with and support each other.  We still need to spend time with non-believers and show them love like Jesus did. Fasting: This is a way to become more mindful of God through disrupting our routine by doing without.  It doesn’t necessarily need to be food, but something that you intentionally do without that will make you focus on God.  Make sure you do it safely, especially if you have any medical conditions that you should seek your doctors permission before proceeding. Music/Nature:  As I am putting together this podcast, I am spending a time of solitude in the mountains. I feel closest to God when I am surrounded by His beautiful creation, and I am listening to music while I am here, particularly when I get lonely, which helps me know that God is with me.

Lastly, Spadafora states that “Abiding in God moves us from focus on the self to focus on God.”

Action item:  Commit to a daily routine to read scripture, spend quiet time, and be in prayer. Find margin in your life to spend at least 15 minutes daily, longer if needed and able.  Do this instead of filling your head with garbage from the morning or evening news.  I promise you if you commit to do this, you will find more peace and clarity in your life.  Abiding is the key to finding true and lasting joy!

Next week we will talk about the “S” in MASTER: Self-Awareness


Half Time Institute: The Joy Model

The Story Chronological Bible on Amazon

Bible Gateway

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