Whether you’re an executive but have the feeling you’re not making the impact you have the potential to make or you’re an individual contributor who struggles to get buy in for ideas and recommendations or you’re an up and coming leader (of people, projects, change or thoughts), this episode is for you as we discuss some of the most common mistakes people make but also practical ways how you can improve how people perceive you so you can establish yourself as the leader, the Trusted Authority in your industry.   Definition- Executive Presence It’s the combination of factors that other people take into consideration about someone whether they have the credibility, the capability and the confidence required to tackle a certain situation. Key components of Executive Presence Confidence Credibility Communication skills Appearance and demeanor How to develop Executive Presence Define your values and leadership style Seek feedback from others Practice active listening and effective communication Build your confidence through knowledge and experience Cultivate a strong personal brand   Common Mistakes That Can Damage Your Executive Presence Being too aggressive or passive in your communication style Failing to listen actively or show empathy towards others Dressing inappropriately or failing to groom yourself properly Allowing your emotions to control your behaviour  Failing to adapt to different audiences or situations    Not contextualizing before communicating     Strategies for Building and Maintaining Your Executive Presence To build and maintain your executive presence, you need to be intentional and consistent in your actions. Some strategies to consider include: Practicing self-care and stress management:    Building a support network:   Continuing to learn and grow: Stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices to maintain your credibility and relevance. Cultivating your network: Build strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders to expand your influence and build your reputation.   ___________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Watch my brand new 33min training: 3.) Book your complimentary 4.) Connect with 5.) Join the upcoming LIVE (start: 20th April 2023)   Check out all show notes and further resources over at