We live in a noisy world where we have more choice and with that, more competition than ever before. That applies whether you’re an employee and want to be not only considered but chosen for the promotion, managing the high stakes clients or the big budgets or you’re an entrepreneur who’s pitching for work. The question is - how do people make the decision who to engage for a project, who to hire or to trust with this main client/ major project? They go to the person they see as the trusted authority, the one who has established a relationship with the decision maker (and that includes a non-direct one – meaning without necessarily knowing the person properly which can happen through building a strong social media presence for example as well as referrals but also who’s proven their expertise on their topic which is demonstrated through content they shared or contributions made by speaking at conferences, podcast guesting & co. So, when your decision maker is in the market for what you do and stand for … will you be the One, the Trusted Authority that they turn to? If you’re not sure that the answer is a 100% yes – don’t worry because in this episode, I’ll share with you 6 guaranteed ways how you can establish yourself as an authority on your topic/ in front of your decision maker / within your community: Specialisation over Generalisation (Focus on a Micro-Niche) Develop a signature framework / syste Connect studies with stories Be where your decision makers are (Content) Sharing is caring Boost credibility through others Consistency over intensity   While it takes time, effort, commitment as well as resources to position yourself as an authority on your topic, the benefits you’ll receive will be worth the investment. As the trusted authority, it’s you who gets tapped on the shoulder for opportunities rather than you having to chase them it and not only that – it’s also you who can demand more for what you do because you’ve already done the groundwork of letting others getting to know, like and trust you that you’re the one who understand your decision maker by speaking their language and have a way to get them the results. _________________________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Watch my brand new 33min training: 3.) Book your complimentary 4.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at