At some stage, you'll experience the (very common) challenge to decide what you want to be known for. It might be because of a major life change, an experience that gave you a new perspective, a shift of interests or simply growing out of your tried and tested environment. The questions that come up with that are: How to decide what you want to be known for? What if you make the 'wrong' decision? And how can you find out whether you're on the right track? This is the topics for this episode. The 7 steps I discuss are: Optimise for interest; not a career If money doesn’t matter … Broaden your horizon Taking action vs thinking Know what you don’t want Flip the script Get new perspectives _____________ Want to build and monetise your Personal Brand, become the Trusted Authority in your field and level up your Career? Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Join our monthly to address any challenges or ask any burning questions on all things branding, marketing, content and career. 2.) Download the free Guide to learn 5 practical strategies on how to 3.) Book your complimentary