Whether you want to move up in your career, increase your influence – also without the title or motivate others, it comes down to impactful communication. Today we’re joined by a Global Speaker Coach, TEDx Coach / Storytelling for Sales / Worldwide Events MC / Virtual Speaking Specialist –   Some of the highlights we cover are: What cut through communication is (he mentions 2 particular traits to focus in) How to gain and keep attention from listeners, online and offline  The power of storytelling and how everyone can cultivate this skill set Your voice as competitive advantage – … and a lot more   🎉 THANK YOU ___________ Want to build and monetise your Personal Brand, become the Trusted Authority in your field and level up your Career?    Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Join our monthly to address any challenges or ask any burning questions on all things branding, marketing, content and career.   2.) Download the free Guide to learn 5 practical strategies on how to    3.) Book your complimentary   4.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at