Do you know the enemy of great? No, it’s not miserable. It’s safe. True story; we prefer safety over happiness which is why so many people stay stuck where they are: staying in the role that pays ok and that’s ‘not too bad’, sticking out a relationship that should have been ended years ago or spending time with people they have outgrown long-time ago but putting yourself out there, experiencing new situations, trialling new things is daunting. What if it doesn’t work? What if I get negative comments on my posts? What if my business flops? In this episode, I go through some steps you can take to make big things happen in 2022 and overcome the feeling of overwhelm. TAKE ACTION TAKE A NEW PERSPECTIVE CONSISTENCY BEATS INTELLECT REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS COMMIT TO THE LONG GAME ___________ Want to build and monetise your Personal Brand, become the Trusted Authority in your field and level up your Career? Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Join our monthly to address any challenges or ask any burning questions on all things branding, marketing, content and career. 2.) Download the free Guide to learn 5 practical strategies on how to  3.) Book your complimentary Check out all show notes and further resources over at