Episode Summary

On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, I will walk you through some of my go-to and newly discovered supplements that have really moved the needle in my life.  It will be a “Show and Tell” segment of sorts.


Being in the health and fitness arena, I find myself to be a bit of a research nerd! While I am by no means a doctor, I love to deep dive into all sorts of articles from the National Institute of Health, learning new ways to improve my health.


Of course, everyone is different, and it’s important to always consult your doctor before trying something new! However, I wanted to take some time today to share things that personally work for me in case you want to switch things up or give something new a try! 


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Show and Tell with Kelly

It’s important to note that all of these supplements aren’t used daily. While some are, most are used in a supplemental way, meaning that I use them when I feel I need them.

Emergen-C (immune +) - This is great for increasing immunity and great to have in the cabinet for those wintry months or cold seasons.
Collagen Synthesis - I typically will take this a half an hour before a workout. Since taking this, I have noticed my pain dissipating.
Sparkle Skin Boost - Another great pre-workout that I’ll throw into the mix occasionally.
Creatine - I only use this when I am lifting weights to get the full benefits.

Protein Sources

As a vegetarian, I make sure to prioritize my protein intake since animal products typically have great sources of protein like eggs, meats, and cottage cheese.  Here are some ways I include protein that’s vegetarian friendly…

Protein Clinic
Fava Bean Tofu
Protein Bars
Protein Shake


There are other ways I get nutrients and vitamins than what was listed above. As stated, I don’t do all of these everyday, but here are some other things I enjoy throwing into the mix when I want a little boost or feel like I’m not eating well enough to cover all my nutrient bases. 

Athletic Greens
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Vitamin A

Three Actionable Takeaways

If you’re wanting to incorporate new supplements into your life, these are my top important things to remember….


1. Understand that knowledge is changing everyday

Twenty years ago, everyone was running away from fat in foods. People were worried about bulking up with too much protein. They were trying new “fad” diets every week. Now, research has come out with more and more evidence of the importance of protein, especially as you age. So, make sure that you are up-to-date on your research before trying something new! 


2. Give yourself time

If you’re excited to try some of the things I listed above, don’t try them all at once! If you do this and have a negative reaction (stomach upset, etc), you’re never going to know exactly what caused it. That’s why you should try one thing at a time. Try it for several weeks and observe yourself. Once you notice the changes, either continue with it or discontinue it, and then try something else new. 


3. Understand that everyone is different

For one person, a particular supplement may completely change their life. Then they recommend it to a friend and that friend can’t even keep it down. That may sound silly, but it happens all the time! Understand that your body is unique and treat it as such when you are trying new things! 


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